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Writer, Editor & Culture critic. Loves classical music, dance, traditional food. वेदः मम जीवनम्।Author - https://t.co/XWFr3sBSVP

Nov 23, 2022, 13 tweets

Ok! That time of the year! December music season in Madras! The madness will begin soon! Sharing a thread of artiste schedules for those of you who follow Carnatic classical music!

#Margazhi2022 is finally happening after a break of two years!

Show your support!


Starting with the brilliant Veena Vidwan Ramana Balachandran.

If you haven't heard him, you are surely missing something big!


Flute master Shashank. Good to see all his various accompanying artistes too!


The young and talented @aravindsounder , a disciple taking ahead the musical legacy of the great Sangita Kalanidhi Vid Madurai TN Seshagopalan ji.



The wonderful Vidwans from Vijayawada and their divine music! Malladi Brothers!

They also have a fabulous lec-dem @musicacademyma about the great Adibhatla!



The famous Lalgudi siblings! This year's Sangita Kalanidhi designates by @musicacademyma.



This talented youngster Anirudh Subramanian has been a disciple of the late violin vidwan Nagai Sriram and Ghatam legend Vikku ji.

Listen to him. Excellent!



The wonderful vocalist Vid @saketharaman_s! Yet another superb flagbearer of the great Lalgudi Sishya Parampara!



And everyone's favourite superstars! The wonderful @ranjanigayatri !

Better book your tickets now! Don't complain later!



The famous Carnatic twins Archana and Aarathi. Lovely singers!

After all these years, I've never been able to tell one from the other!



The talented Vid Amritha Murali, a disciple of the late violinist Rukmini and currently training with Vid RK Shriram Kumar.



Another talented youngster Vivek Sadasivam. A disciple of the famous Rudrapatnam Brothers.



The talented granddaughter of the great Harikatha exponent, late Smt Thanjavur Kamala Murthy, Suchithra is following her footsteps. Has already made a good name for herself! Very popular on Shankara TV!

Do attend her concerts and Harikatha Prasangams.



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