Croakey News Profile picture is NFP public interest journalism on health in all policies & equity. @alisonsbarrett is editing this week.

Nov 24, 2022, 18 tweets

Day 2 #HEAL2022 is set to begin, with @DrVMatthews chairing the plenary session, featuring Norway's @KrAunan, WHO's @DiarmidCL, Professor Eugenie Kayak from @DocsEnvAus, @EPA_Victoria Chief Enviromental Scientist Prof Mark Taylor (Design: umbaynggirr & Yaegl woman Talah Laurie)

We're being welcomed by @DrVMatthews from the Quandamooka community, Minjerribah (Stradbroke Island), who heads @CRE_STRIDE and is co-chair of #HEAL2022. See her call to action in our preview:…

. @DrVMatthews says all sessions of #HEAL2022 been recorded and will be available in the near future.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges are at the heart of the @HEALenviron #HEAL2022 @DrVMatthews

We see climate catastrophes upon us. In the past five years Bundjalung Country, in the Northern Rivers area of NSW where @DrVMatthews lives and works, have been hit by three major floods and a season of intensive bushfires that were “so severe, rainforests burnt” #HEAL2022

. @DrVMatthews says she's very honoured to be part of the Deadly Poets Society - a new area of research and knowing for her #HEAL2022

Now rapid fire reporting from y'day's #HEAL2022 regional sessions...

First up NSW: focus on codesign practice for enhanced KT, also structure/function of HEAL NSW Knowledge Forum. 3 prez primers for discussion: @rebeccaivers, @LucieRychetnik & Jess Spencer re healthy housing

Victoria #HEAL2022: included powerful lived experience stories from Euchuca floods, plan to continue to work effectively and collaboratively as a team.

Queensland #HEAL2022

Focus on multi-disciplinary, transformation urgency, need to get young people involved....came to awareness that lots of people working independently, need to break down silos though recognise that hard. Language can mean diff things to diff people.

WA #HEAL2022

Breakout designed by non-researchers primarily, wanted clear demonstration of place based, community led, diverse engagement, started with poetry provocations, focus on Country and place.

WA (cont) #HEAL2022 - significant themes: Aboriginal sovereignty, social justice, young people's voices/agency, alternatives/end to fossil fuels. Challenges: for all work on decolonisation, still a way to go in process; clear not enough resources and structure to be inclusive,

WA (cont) #HEAL2022

SA #HEAL2022

Talked: rights to a healthy environment, set focus on justice/equity, how pull the leaders not just from policy/strategy viewpoint but legislative too

SA (cont) #HEAL2022

Shoutout to the Dynamic State movement (hope this what they referring to)…

NT #HEAL2022
Discussion included: need to synthesise info and close gaps re impact of climate change on health, priorities for young people, impact of climate crisis on cultural practice, and focus on whole of health sector issues: need to work actively with primary health care

Tas #HEAL2022

Sought an "unconference vibe"

Tas (cont) #HEAL2022


Lot of momentum, enthusiasm to meet regularly, says @SotirisVard . Emphasis on respectful co-design with community, stakeholders, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

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