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Nov 24, 2022, 9 tweets

We’ve signed an open letter @RishiSunak on how the #OnlineSafetyBill threatens UK cybersecurity. The Bill introduces content scanning on our devices, compromising end-to-end encryption for individuals and business @encryption_day

Read in full here:…


We all rely on end-to-end encryption to protect our private data from cyber attacks, whether as an individual, a business or the country as a whole.

The #OnlineSafetyBill unlocks your data.


Installing content scanning software on our devices with access to our private messages and images is an open goal for the surveillance of an entire population.

The #OnlineSafetyBill puts a spy in your pocket.


If you create an opening, anyone can walk through it. Content scanning software punches a hole in the security of our devices, leaving us all exposed to hackers and bad actors.

The #OnlineSafetyBill is unsafe.


“When Australia passed a similar law undermining end-to-end encryption in 2018, the Australian digital industry lost an estimated $AUS 1 billion in current and forecast sales and further losses in foreign investment”

The #OnlineSafetyBill is bad for business.


Destabilising cybersecurity? Another government would call that the work of the anti-growth coalition. But that was last month.

The #OnlineSafetyBill will increase cyber attacks.


With a backdoor to your devices through content scanning software, criminals will have greater access to the personal data of the most vulnerable in society, including children.

The #OnlineSafetyBill fails its own tests.


As part of 70 organisations, cybersecurity experts, and elected officials, we call on @RishiSunak and @DCMS to protect end-to-end encryption.

The #OnlineSafetyBill makes a bad situation worse.


Write to your MP today to highlight the threats to our privacy and freedoms that the #OnlineSafetyBill will create.

The Bill returns to Parliament on 5 December. Don't delay to stop this bad law.…


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