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Nov 24, 2022, 6 tweets

Matt Turner's #Thanksgiving usually involves turkey dinner and all the trimmings with his family back in Park Ridge, New Jersey, but this year will be a little different 1/5

While the United States shuts down for the festivities, goalkeeper Turner and his U.S. teammates will be busy preparing for their showdown with England at the World Cup in Qatar 2/5

Meanwhile, back on U.S. turf, President Joe Biden, pardoned two turkeys from North Carolina named Chocolate and Chip on Monday, sparing them from Thanksgiving dinner tables 3/5

U.S. airlines and airports also prepared for a surge in passengers over the holiday, with the number of travelers expected to hit the highest level in three years. Air travel has recovered to about 99% of the 2019 levels, travel group AAA estimates 4/5

And in New York, people gathered around for the 96th Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in Manhattan 5/5

If you had to choose one, which of these dishes are you having for your Thanksgiving feast? 👀

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