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Nov 25, 2022, 6 tweets

Nearly 4⃣0⃣ million children missed a measles vaccine dose in 2021.

🚨 According to the latest data from WHO & @CDCgov, global progress toward #measles elimination is threatened by major setbacks that started in 2020 during the #COVID19 pandemic.


In 2021, 2️⃣2️⃣ countries around the globe experienced large and disruptive outbreaks.

This led to over 9 million estimated #measles cases, and 128 000 deaths.


#Measles is highly contagious and can infect 9 out of 10 unprotected contacts of each case.

A single case can lead to 12 to 18 infections. The global decrease in vaccination rates led to large-scale outbreaks, risking millions of lives.


2⃣ doses of the #measles vaccine are needed to prevent measles infections and outbreaks. To protect communities from measles, the two-dose dose coverage of vaccines must be at least 95%.

Global vaccination rates are well below these levels πŸ“‰


It’s not all bad: last year the #measles vaccines saved the lives of over 2⃣ million children πŸ§’πŸ»πŸ‘§πŸΎ

Measles elimination remains feasible if we focus on:
πŸ”Ž Strengthening surveillance
πŸ’‰ High vaccination coverage
🚨 Timely outbreak response


We urgently need to accelerate #measles vaccination efforts to achieve measles elimination.

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