JChoe Profile picture
Activist, researcher and consultant. Cited/mentioned in NYT, Washington Post, USAToday, Kyiv Post, NATO Hybrid COE. #NAFO Assistant (to the) Sanctions Manager.

Nov 26, 2022, 9 tweets

This is going to use politicized terms - especially with antisemitism lately - so, again, you've got to exercise a basic, basic skill of disinformation: holding an idea in your head without believing it

What you're seeing here is a sus #nafofella profile tying us to al-Qassam🧵

Again, this is heavily politicized, so let's go with what the U.S. government says.

The Director of Nat'l Intelligence website says al-Qassam is the militant wing of HAMAS.

Per State, they're still a terrorist org (since '97)

This is also timely given Israeli elections.

This is not the time nor place (and I'm not the author) for primer to Israeli politics, so:

Congressional Research Service says, it's chaotic, there's a LOT of different parties and it's very fractious.

What just happened was a parliamentary shake-up - I'm not going to pretend to understand the details - that resulted in a very, very far-right government in Israel.


Guardian: theguardian.com/world/2022/nov…

So it shouldn't be a surprise how Ben-Gvir feels about HAMAS or for that matter al-Qassam.

Understanding the strategy he's using requires, again, suspending some level of whether or not you agree with Ben-Gvir or the US & Israel's treatment of HAMAS.

A direct juxtaposition makes it somewhat clearer.

The upshot here is that for some reason NAFO is becoming somewhat of a football - for at least one rather sus account - in Israeli right-wing politics' strategies of enemy-creation and "other"-ing.

By way of context here, Ben-Gvir saying Ha'aretz is a HAMAS rag is roughly equivalent to....

I don't know, Farage maybe?

...saying The Guardian is, like, a pinko commie rag

It's not very accurate. They're lefty, sure, but also very good factually.

It's interesting in three ways here:

One, what this says about right-wing politics in general and Israeli right-wing politics,

Two, what this suggests about how the Israeli right feels about NAFO and, by extension, NATO and supporting Ukraine in Russia's war against it

Three, the way that NAFO is becoming - as other #nafoFellas have noted - like antifa or BlackLivesMatter, kind of a catch-all term for any digital grassroots anti-propaganda you don't like.

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