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Nov 27, 2022, 24 tweets

Before its reboot, GTA 6 was supposed to be a 70s/80s/90s “Narcos” themed haven that instead came to fruition with Cayo Perico.

Read on for an in-depth analysis ⤵️


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In early 2020, a user by the name of “Gonnaenodaethat” began teasing GTA 6 on the GTAForums. He posted various songs & movie clips that alluded to a 70s, 80s, & 90s Narcos themed game.

He claimed the game would be announced in March 2020.


#GTAVI #GTA6 #RockstarGames

Gonnaenodaethat (The Preacher) had previously predicted one of the RDR2 trailers a whole month before it dropped (see below).

His posts were never taken down because of this credibility. He knew something we didn’t.


#GTAVI #GTA6 #RockstarGames

Before The Preacher’s posts, more posts were popping up claiming GTA 6 would be announced on March 25th.

Looking back years later, this was not a coincidence. Keep reading, it’ll all make sense ⤵️


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I was unable to find the screenshots, but The Preacher also teased Cayo in GTAO by posting pictures of whales.

Kosatka means “killer whale” in Russian, and the Kosatka played a huge role in that DLC. It’s safe to say this guy is 100% legit.


#GTAVI #GTA6 #RockstarGames

From his teasers, we learned that GTA 6 would be set in the 70s, 80s, and 90s in Vice City & Colombia. It would focus on drug-trafficking and would be announced on March 25th, 2020 (just like earlier leaks mentioned).


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This was made even more interesting by the fact that references to “Americas” & 70s/80s/90s weapons used by the cartel were found in RDR2’s files.

See proof below. Screenshots of the actual files can be found on Google.


#GTAVI #GTA6 #RockstarGames

Funny enough, Tez2’s findings & The Preacher’s teasers all tied back to a claim made by “The Know” in 2018.

They said GTA 6 was codenamed Project Americas and would take place in a fictional Miami and Colombia.


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In April 2020, Jason Schreier dropped an article stating that GTA 6 was in early stages of development.

This contradicted info Tez2 received which claimed GTA 6 dev began in 2014 and was at least 70% finished.


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More recently, Rockstar Mag’s founder, Chris, claimed he had received word from a reliable inside source that GTA 6 was rebooted when Dan Houser left. He also claimed the original announcement date would’ve been in Spring of 2020.


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Unbeknown to Chris, his claims corroborated The Preacher’s teasers from 2020 almost 2 years after they happened.

Why did Tez2 & Jason Schreier’s claims not line up though? Because Tez2 did not know the game was rebooted in 2019.


#GTAVI #GTA6 #RockstarGames

Tez2 was not aware of the reboot while Jason was. Now we know, per Tez2’s info, that before the reboot, GTA 6 was 70% of the way finished.

Jason & Tez2’s conflict unknowingly corroborated The Preacher’s claims of a 2020 announcement.


#GTAVI #GTA6 #RockstarGames

If Chris’ claims and Tez2’s conflict in April 2020 with Jason was not enough proof, below is another very recent claim made by Tez2 which states that GTA 6 experienced a reboot ⤵️


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Jason Schreier’s follow-up article in July 2022 claims that Rockstar scaled back Project Americas following crunch controversies.

He said Vice City & Colombian locations were going to be featured at first before plans changed post-RDR2.


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This, again, confirms suspicions of a reboot occurring in 2019.

Since all the previously outlined info from Tez2, Chris, and Jason corroborate The Preacher’s announcement teasers, we can only assume he was right about most things.


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That is not to mention The Preacher’s track record of predicting the RDR2 trailer & Cayo Perico DLC.

The outlined info proves his legitimacy which in turn proves that GTA 6 pre-reboot was meant to be a 70s/80s/90s Narcos themed game.


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From adding GTAO features into RDO & vice-versa, testing RDR2 mechanics in GTA 5, and hiding modern weapons in RDR2’s files, Rockstar has an incredible track record of backporting things from their future titles into their current ones.


#GTAVI #GTA6 #RockstarGames

Since I’ve proven in this thread that the original GTA 6 was meant to be a Narcos themed game, wouldn’t it make sense for Rockstar to add the post-reboot cut content into GTAO? That’s where Cayo Perico comes into play.


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In an interview post-Cayo launch, Rockstar revealed that development for the DLC began in early 2020. As we know, GTA 6 was rebooted in 2019, and Cayo’s development started soon thereafter.

Cont’d ⤵️


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Cayo Perico itself is a private island for a notorious Colombian drug lord, El Rubio. This island is HEAVILY inspired by Pablo Escobar’s Hacienda.

All the cars in this DLC are also old 70s/80s Colombian themed vehicles.


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Sound familiar? Cayo Perico is a nod to Netflix’s Narcos in the same way GTA:VC was a nod to Scarface.

Knowing what we know, pre-reboot GTA 6 was also heavily inspired by Narcos, and the reboot happened right before Cayo started dev.


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From the 70s/80s cars, the coincidental overlapping of GTA 6’s reboot date, Narcos theme, and Colombian drug-trafficking vibe, Cayo Perico is EXACTLY what GTA 6 was meant to be pre-reboot.


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Connecting the dots, we can logically conclude that Rockstar, as they have done in the past, repurposed cut content from the original GTA 6 into what we now know as Cayo Perico in GTA Online.


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A huge shoutout goes to @ZacCoxTV @TezFunz2 @Chris_Klippel & Jason Schreier for the various images and info found throughout the thread!

Thank you for reading, and feel free to ask any questions or Google anything that needs clarifying!


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