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Nov 28, 2022, 6 tweets

#VivahPanchami thread. Why did Shri Ram marry Mata Sita & what does it signify?

Tulsidas describes it as:

देखि सीय सोभा सुखु पावा। ह्रदयं सराहत बचनु न आवा।।
जनु बिरंचि जब निज निपुनाई। बिरचि बिस्व कहं प्रगटि देखाई।।


It means, seeing Sita, Ram was delighted. He was all praise for her in his heart; but said nothing. Her beauty seemed to him as if Brahma had presented the whole world’s beauty before his eyes.

Sita on the other hand kept praying to Paravati & wished Ram to be her husband.


Spiritual Significance:

Dashrath (Ten Chariots) represent 5 sense organs & 5 organs of action.

Ram represents pure form of Atman, i.e consciousness. Sita means Earth & represents मन (mind).


When Ram married Sita, the marriage represents: Pure Light merging with the Mind, which gives birth to the human body.

When Consciousness (Ram) merges with mind (Sita), conflicts arise. Both enter the dark forest of attractions & distractions (वनवास).


The whole Itihaas of Ramayan revolves around the re-union of the Mind with Consciousness.

Ram & Sita aren't merely two separate individuals. Sita is his reflection & Ram is Sita’s power of action. Their physical manifestation reflects a deeper unity between the two.


भुवन चारिदस भरा उछाहू। जनकसुता रघुवीर बिआहू।।
सुनि सुभ कथा लोग अनुरागे। मग गृह गलीं संवारन लागे।।

This means that everywhere there was an atmosphere of happiness. Ram & Sita got married & people started decorating the entire city.

Only Ananda prevails 🙏🏽


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