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Nov 28, 2022, 8 tweets

Being more active on mastodon is an interesting experience so far. The engagement numbers (likes & boosts) are crazy high compared to twitter, despite only having 380 followers there. Feels far less controlled than the bird site. And you can edit posts!

How the mastadon timeline work

The fact that you can edit toot's on mastodon very elegantly, makes twitter look like a silly joke.

A tool by @tibor to help find your Twitter followers on #Mastodon:

👉 Evaluation happens locally in the browser
👉 No CSV import necessary
👉 List sortable by registration date ➝ Find new accounts quickly

How long until #Mastodon and the #Fediverse supplant twitter for a majority of users?

"The many branches of the Fediverse" - Graphic by @axbom:

@axbom How the visibility of a toot on #mastadon works.

@axbom How the visibility of a tweet on the #twitter timeline is decided (simplified version)

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