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Nov 28, 2022, 21 tweets

SitRep - 28/11 - All eyes on #Bakhmut

An overview of the daily events in the war between Russia and Ukraine. With all eyes on #Bakhmut today. Russians led by a new batch of #Wagner militia supplemented by #Kadyrovites try to force a breakthrough south of Bakhmut.


As usual we start with Russian losses, captured and destroyed equipment.

+590 men
+3 tanks
+5 APCs

The amount of men losses is rising the last couple of days. Which reflects offensive activity at Bakhmut and the weather is changing, it's getting colder.

A caught BTR-82 with sewer armor...

A destroyed BMD-1 and another unknown vehicle in the south.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine damaged the bridge near Melitopol, through which the occupiers carried equipment - General Staff

The crossing, which was used by the occupiers, is located near the village of Starobohdanivka, Zaporizhzia region.

A Russian BMP-1 destroyed including personnel.

Over to the general events. Britains support for 🇺🇦 will remain unchanged despite turmoil in recent months. "We will support 🇺🇦 as long as necessary. We will maintain or increase our military aid next year. And we will provide new support for air defense," said Rishi Sunak

Boeing has proposed to set up production for precision guided bombs for Ukraine.

Republicans in the US Congress demand control over aid to Ukraine, while assuring that Ukraine will continue to receive weapons from the US.

At the same time, some of them even insist on providing Ukraine with long-range weapons

Another massive missile strike is being prepared by Russia. A lot hints towards tomorrow morning.

Foreign ministers of Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden came to Kyiv.

This is the largest group of ministers that has visited Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale war.

Danilov once again expressed the need of long(er) range missiles to defeat Russian threats.

To the fronts: #Kherson

▶️No map changes
▶️AFU operations on the #Kinburn spit continue, said Natalya Humenyuk, head of the joint coordination press center of the AFU ''South''
▶️The AFU hit #Chaplynka airport with GMRLS
▶️Kherson once again shelled by Russia. There are injured.


▶️Russia resumed fighting near #Novomykhailivka. AFU repelled an attack there
▶️Fighting is inside #Maryinka, the town is considered a gray zone now. AFU still has dominant presence
▶️I adjusted the gray zone west of Pavlivka with less AFU presence.


▶️Russian sources claim they captured #Odradivka, #Ozarianivka, #Kurdyumivka, #Zelenopillya and #Spirne. Untill now NO (visual) confirmation whatsoever, contested for now.
▶️We can confirm the Spirne claim is BS.
▶️Fighting is ongoing along the whole frontline

The situation in #Bakhmut and its surroundings is hard, we can't deny that. The AFU is doing everything within it's capabilities but also suffers high losses. Pray for the guys fighting.


▶️No map changes
▶️AFU still attacks #Kuzemivka from the north and west. The town is a Russian stronghold.
▶️Renewed Russian presence near Popivka was noted. Here artillery goes back and forth
▶️Russia keeps trying to regain Novoselivske but failed until now.


▶️No map changes
▶️Battles south of Kreminna continue in #Serebryanskyy forest
▶️The fate of Chervona #Dibrova is still undecided, contested with Russian dominant presence
▶️Russia attacked the area between #Makiivka and #Nevske but was repelled by the AFU.

That's all today. If you like my reporting and mapping you can support me via

In the background i am almost done with my interactive map completely branded in my own style. It just needs a finishing touch.

Thanks for all your support!

NOËL 🔥🇺🇦

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