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Political Scientist. Grassroots Activist. Mom of 5. Daughter of a Marine Corps vet & Proud Latina. Leader of 🐻Mama Bears. This is our time for choosing.

Nov 29, 2022, 9 tweets

In a conservative WI school district, a young girl began to experience rapid onset gender dysphoria, along w/significant anxiety & depression.
Despite her parents stated objection, The Kettle Moraine Middle School allowed her to covertly adopt a male name and pronouns at school.

Parents Defending Education sent a public records request to Kettle Moraine School District and obtained emails and documents of district staff attempting to help a sixth grade student transition against the will of the child’s parent.

Former superintendent Patricia Deklotz acknowledged that the girl's parents disagreed w/the child transitioning.
But I guess pesky parents weren't going to stop the love bombs. The therapist & school became the woke cheerleading squad of a girl experiencing acute mental distress.

The naive parents, believing they actually had parental rights that a school district & mental health clinic would not violate, let the school contact their child's therapist.
Together, they decided to "affirm" the 6th grader w/ mental health issues and ignore concerned parents.

The School District apparently had a higher duty to the woke God of Inclusion. Religious woke cannon clearly states that educators cannot commit the unforgivable sin of misgendering a protected class--a struggling 6th grade child is perfectly able to make life altering decisions.

The superintendent discussed-in the recently obtained emails-that someone “is getting a legal opinion on where a parent’s rights stop & a child’s rights begin.”
Again, they are taking orders from a 6th grader who is struggling w/mental health issues & rapid onset gender dysphoria

This story, unlike so many, has a happy ending.
The parents removed their daughter from the school. After leaving her “demeanor began to change," and she is now living the life of a typical teenage girl.
Thankful for her parents she said, "affirmative care really messed me up.”

The child’s parents along with other parents then filed a lawsuit against Kettle Moraine School District in November 17, 2021. The lawsuit states:

Here is the full letter:

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