Scarlett Johnson Profile picture
Political Scientist. Grassroots Activist. Mom of 5. Proud Latina. Never refer to me as an “inseminated person.” Moms 4 Liberty Media/ Content Creator.
5 subscribers
Feb 4 5 tweets 2 min read
“My kids are trans, my sisters kids are trans, every kid I know is trans…” What are the odds that she’s normal and we are all crazy? She should really wash her hair. Image
Dec 21, 2024 10 tweets 5 min read
🚨BREAKING: A boy is now allowed to change in the girls' locker room at Westosha Central High School in Wisconsin.

-He stares at the young girls while they change
-He exposes his p-nis and rubs himself with lotion
-He claims to the girls that the lotion is to “prevent chafing” Image When the boy repeatedly went fully nude in the presence of girls, exposing his genitals, the Freshman girls complained to the gym teacher, Miranda Hopkins(below), who told the girls that since the 16-year-old boy “identifies” as a girl, it would be discriminatory to deny him access.Image
Oct 9, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin:
☑️18 s-x change patients
☑️ 6 total surgery patients
☑️ 12 total hormone & puberty blocker patients
☑️65% of CHW’s patients at its gender clinic were biologically female
☑️461 patients under age 18
@donoharm Image
CHW maintains a Gender Health Clinic, and offers puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and sex change surgeries for minors. The hospital also notes on its website that its physicians may prescribe puberty blockers to children after their first visit.

Moreover, the hospital states that it adheres to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s standards of care. Claims data shows the hospital has billed for hormone therapy and sex change surgeries for minors.Image
Oct 6, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
🚨Steffen Middle School “Furry” Incident:
From a parent:
“A student who identifies as a cat went psycho! The student threatened to “unalive” everyone and sh—t up the school. The student physically attacked the principal, was hissing at other students, and chased students & staff all over the building. This entire situation took 2 hours! Steffen Middle School went on lockdown and the police were called.”

*The school would not confirm if the student in question will be expelled.Image School staff should not be forced to deal with a kid who is meowing, purring, hissing and scratching like a cat.

That student clearly does not belong in a traditional classroom.Image
Apr 23, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
5th Grade Lesson in a Wisconsin classroom proves, woke science is a liar sometimes:
“Scientists have learned that there are many examples of plants and animals that are LGBTQIAP+(lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual/aromantic/agender, pansexual/polysexual, and so many additional gender identities and sexual orientations) in nature…”Image
From Lesson:
This lesson is a good way to build an inclusive community within your group. It can help start discussions about diversity and get kids to feel comfortable asking questions.

Grades 4-8 with options for adjusting for elementary students through high school. This is a fun lesson to follow or pair with 👉🏽Human Growth and Development lessons.Image
Apr 11, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
🚨SHOCK POLL: (Well, not shocking to members of @Moms4Liberty)

American Parents—regardless of the age of their child, their politics, or their ethnicity—are not down w/ the gender obsessed woke cult that has captured K-12 education.
Most “Strongly” disagree with this polling question👇🏽

Q: To what degree do you agree with the following statement:
I want my child's school to discuss LGBTQ issues in class.Image
🚨Shock Poll: American parents do not want activist teachers—and future stars of @libsoftiktok—to provide their kids cartoonish kink and books w/storylines that include a strap-on pen-s, even if the p-rn is inclusive.

Apparently, parents aren’t down for indigenous LGBTQIA+ characters teaching kids about b-tt plugs before they go protest w/their chosen family at a trans lesbians for Palestine event on campus.

Honestly, the most shocking thing about this poll is that the percentages of NO is way too low. @Moms4Liberty has our work cut out for us.

Q: To what degree do you agree with the following statement:
Books with explicit sexual content are inappropriate for my child.Image
Mar 21, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I will fight like hell for these kids. I’m not afraid of the gender cult. I will fight until hell freezes over...And when hell freezes over…I’ll fight on the ice.
Normal people have to get fed up & stand up to say, "These people are crazy. Enough."
When they do...this will end. I'm just done.
Call these lunatics out.
Board meetings in Wisconsin now look like a pysch ward for non-binary middle-aged white women and sloppy dudes with man buns...yet we are all supposed to pretend they are normal and we are the outlier? Say what!?
Not me.
I don't want to be mean, but I’m so damn tired of fringe weirdos running every freakin' thing that matters.

"Leave us alone" just doesn’t work. These fools are never leaving our kids alone. Our kids are the golden goose they simply can’t afford to let get away.

Aren't yah tired of pretending?
Feb 16, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Title IX Insanity: In 2022, 8th grade boys in Kiel, Wisconsin were formally charged w/ sexual assault for not using "They, Them" pronouns when referencing classmate. The district was forced to drop these charges.

In 2024, Biden’s Title IX revisions would have these 8th grade boys CHARGED WITH SEXUAL HARASSMENT for the crime of misgendering a peer who identifies as “non-binary.” These charges would stick.Image
School administrators should not be requiring minor students to go through Title IX investigations for "mispronouning," which amounts to protected speech. Any attempt to force students to comply with schools' preferred mode of speaking is unlawful.
Biden will try to change that...
Jan 18, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
🚨BREAKING in Conservative Small Town Osk Kosh, WI: Transgender activists use bullying tactics against local community groups @visitoshkosh and The Women's Fund of the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation, demanding that they remove beloved championship surfer @bethanyhamilton as the headliner of an upcoming May 2024 event!
Bethany joins @riley ganes and @PaulaYScanlan in opposition to the participation of biological men(ex: Australian surfer Sasha Jane Lowerson) who “identify as women” in women’s only athletic events.Image
Which of these is not like the other?
Gimme a break.
Save Women’s Sports!
Stand with @bethanyhamilton
Jan 17, 2024 6 tweets 4 min read
🚨CENSORSHIP TRAINING FOR AMERICAN EDUCATORS: The Biden State Dept and Dept of Homeland Security collaborated with the German government in the creation of a censorship effort that serves to train teachers to “inoculate” students against problematic “disinformation” aka anti-woke heterodoxy.…Image
Through the Rhode Island Lab, the Biden State Department used tax dollars to train American educators on German socialist strategies for bringing indoctrination into the classroom:
👉🏽Honed strategies that “innoculate” students against conservative media, right of center world views, news stories critical of global governments
👉🏽Brainwashed students into leftist political world views
👉🏽Cheered left-wing activism
👉🏽Inserted “Ad Fontes” and “NewsGuard” censorship tools into classrooms.Image
Oct 12, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Gender Ideology Agitprop for 4th & 5th grade students(9 year olds) in the Superior School District(WI).👇🏽 Notice how the child corrects the adults, including the doctor, and schools them on gender fluidity. Gross.
Sep 25, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Don’t Fall for the Gaslighting: Union boss Randi Weingarten holds up books that the woke left have been removing from schools and libraries for years.

In truth, leftists argued for the removal of “To Kill a Mockingbird” claiming author Harper Lee used racist “uncomfortable” language while grounding the story in the experiences of a white narrator(which presented Atticus Finch as a white savior).
Image Just last year, woke sensitivity readers posthumously edited books written by beloved children’s author Roald Dahl. Unwokified versions of his books will no longer be published…which is actual book banning.

Apparently, calling people fat and ugly in text demands mass censorship and banning, but pushing explicit sex scenes and transgenderism onto small kids in text and imagery in a classroom is sacred and worthy of the highest “free speech” protections.
Sep 18, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
"Are you transgender?"

Parents outraged by High School Youth Risk Behaviour Survey given to students in the Elkhorn Area School District👇🏽
Q: Some people describe themselves as transgender when their sex at birth does not match the way they think or feel about their gender. Are you transgender?"

What does the school do with the answers to these questions👇🏽
Q: During your life, with how many people have you had sexual intercourse?
Q: During the past 3 months, with how many people did you have sexual intercourse?
Jun 20, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵First Baptist Church of Madison Clergy: Apparently, Jesus wants kids to “live authentically” and pursue their God-given “gender identity” even if that means sex change drugs and surgeries…because I guess God makes mistakes?
Lots to unpack here…keep reading.
@MattWalshBlog Woke Clergy to Christians: The chief way Christians show God’s love is by replacing the Holy Bible with Marxist Theories that advocate for “marginalized” groups like the LGBTQIA+ community.
“I grieve the fact that our political and religious institutions have far too often been……
Jun 1, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
“Creating LGBTQ+ Affirming Schools” professional development training in Wisconsin sponsored by @gsafewi and promoted by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Image GSAFE engages politicians and influences public policy. They will not protect women and girls in their bathrooms and shower rooms; nor will the protect the opportunities and safety of women and girls in athletics. Privacy, Safety and Fairness take a back seat to trans activism. Image
Jun 1, 2023 6 tweets 6 min read
🚨WI School District that allows an 18 year-old man, who “feels like a woman,” to shower with-and expose his penis to-three horrified 14 year-old girls is also celebrating “Pride Month” by encouraging 5-11 year old kids to “dress up” and show their “Pride.”… ImageImage The parents of the 14 year-old girls, as well as the community, wanted assurances that biological men will NEVER AGAIN be allowed to expose their penis(sexually assault) to young girls in the name of “ inclusion.” The @sunprairiek12 response? 👇🏽
May 31, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
CA High school teacher instructs students to go to @Target and buy "anal sex toys" so they too can experience the pleasure of anal sex🤦🏽‍♀️… These teens can’t read, write or solve math problems with proficiency, but worry not, woke public schools are preparing them for a future in SEX WORK!
May 30, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
🚨🏳️‍🌈Rainbow Capitalism Alert: "Honoring the diversity within the LGBTQ+ community and respecting individual privacy, @Kohler PROUD doesn’t ask members to self-identify with any type of sexual orientation, gender expression, or gender identity." -Kohler Co.
Oh, really?
"To best…… Image Why @Kohler?

"Complete our two new, more inclusive Self-Identification questions on Gender Identity (who you say you are) and Sexual Identity (who you love). This is an expansion on our previous Self-ID questions that covered only sex assigned at birth, disability, and veteran…… Image
May 30, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
A Gender-Neutral “Menstruation Station” is the latest example of “Rainbow Capitalism” in Wisconsin🤷🏽‍♀️
@Kohler PROUD members participated in “I-Prize,” Kohler’s shark-tank style event in which associates pitch innovative product ideas that address global issues. A gender-neutral…… Image Partnering with our @Kohler Original Recipe Chocolates business, the group developed “Facets of Love,” a limited collection of rainbow chocolates available during Pride Month. Proceeds from every Facets of Love Pride Collection purchase will be donated to PFLAG.

PFLAG asks…… ImageImage
May 29, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
The sour old hags at @TheView claim mama bears who are trying to protect their children are "Daughter's of the Confederacy"🤦🏽‍♀️
@Moms4Liberty works to prevent woke idiots &monsters from:
✅ Sexualizing kids
✅Causing minors irreversible harm via sex change drugs & surgeries Woke sycophants ridiculously use the same dumb talking points that are EASILY disproven by the regular mom's who comprise @Moms4Liberty. Watch Pop & Politics breakdown the critiques given by @TheView with the brash and explosive smack down like only they can.……
May 27, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
🚨COMING SOON: @Target’s Second annual “Youth Pride” NYC celebration for LGBTQIA+ youth and allies. Image Wonder why the link to Target's "Youth Pride" extravaganza was disabled on the @Target corporate website? Image