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UFO historian/archivist , 30+yrs (10yr FT) studying the phenomena. Interest: Geology, Arch/Anthropology, Philosophy, Sociology

Nov 30, 2022, 12 tweets

#ufotwitter #ufohistory #triangularufos
Today In UFO History - Belgium Triangle Wave
November 29, 1989 - nr. Eupen, Belgium
1/5:15 p.m. While patrolling on the road between Eupen, Belgium, and the German border, two federal policemen, Heinrich Nicoll and Hubert von Montigny, see

2/an intense light in a nearby field. Above the field is a triangular object with three spotlights shining down and a red flashing light in the center. Without making a
sound, it moves slowly toward the German border for 2 minutes and then suddenly turns back toward Eupen. Nicoll

3/ and von Montigny follow it.

5:24 p.m. About 250 witnesses, in 143 separate observations, watch the same or similar triangular or delta-winged craft maneuvering overhead at Eupen, Belgium. Two police officers in a patrol car are illuminated by a brilliant light beam from a

4/dark triangular object hovering at 600–900 feet and making a faint humming noise. The light is so dazzling that “we could read a newspaper under it.” The UFO moves slowly away to the southwest, where it hovers near the Lac de la Gileppe dam for 45 minutes. Policemen Heinrich

5/Nicoll and Hubert von Montigny watch it repeatedly emit two red beams with a red ball at the spearhead of both beams; the beams soon disappear, leaving the red balls, which return to the object. Then around 7:23 p.m., it moves further to the southwest and is seen over Spa for

6/30 minutes before it disappears.

6:45 p.m. Gendarmes Heinrich Nicoll and Hubert von Montigny see another object near Eupen, Belgium, which appears from behind a wood and makes a forward tilting maneuver. It has a dome on top with rectangular windows. It then departs to the

7/north. [Eberhart]

Joël Mesnard, “The UFO ‘Wave’ of November/December 1989 over Eastern Belgium,” Flying Saucer Review 35, no. 2 (June 1990): 4-11;
Leslie Kean, UFOs: generals, pilots, and government officials go on the record, 2010, p. 24-25;

Sources cont.:
Wim van Utrecht, “Triangles over Belgium: The SOBEPS Report,” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 286 (February 1992): 5–6;
Bob Pratt, "The Belgium UFO Flap", MUFON UFO Journal, July 1990, pp. 3–7;

Sources cont.:
Don Berliner, with Marie Galbreath and Antonio Huneeus, UFO Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence, Dell, 2000, pp. 137–144;

Patrick Vantuyne, “Mystery Craft: Eupen, Belgium,” Patt Nayeu & Son, June 12, 2010;
[Photo Credit for above photo]

Auguste Meessen, “Étude approfondie et discussion de certaines observations du 29 novembre 1989,” Inforespace, no. 95 (October 1997): 16–70;
[Illustration of object came from this document]…

Auguste Meessen, “The Belgian Wave and the Photos of Ramillies”;…

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