Onye Igbo #StopFGM #NoToFGM #KTBFFH Eunuch πŸ™ƒ// can never take me alive // Mbah PR buster 😏// dedicated to provoking the office of the Nigerian citizen

Nov 30, 2022, 8 tweets

So guys, a lot of the talking point going into this election, has bordered on food security & being able to feed ourselves as a nation.

Walk with meπŸšΆπŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸšΆπŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ through a journey that tells of @PeterObi's agricultural revolution as Anambra Governor.

One of the 1st things Peter Obi did

After he became governor, was to pay a visit to farmers in the state, to listen to their plight, & discuss ways to improve food security in the state.

In May 2012, Anambra state, under Peter Obi, released a sum of N1bn loan to farmers in the state, targeting mainly rice farmers.

In April 2013, another N1bn loan was distributed to farmers in the state, to boost agricultural production, encourage investment in the sector, and further improve food security in the state

In December 2013, then Governor Peter Obi flagged off N1.2bn credit facilities for farmers in Anambra. The initiative was a collaborative project between the bank of Agriculture & the Anambra state Govt.

In this initiative, the state govt invested in the bank of Agriculture,

with an agreement signed, for the bank to provide credit facilities to Anambra farmers at very reduced interst rates.

He also released intervention grants to the tune of N70m to small scale farmers in the state.

His administration also procured over 300 tractors for farmers

Now, let's look at the result of these investments & agricultural revolution.

According to frame A below, in 2005, Anambra state was producing a measly 28,000 metric tonnes of rice per year.

According to frame B, by 2016, Anambra hit its target of over 210,000 metric tonnes

That's a 750% increase in production within 10 years.

Now, let's listen to this excerpt from Peter Obi's speech at the Arewa forum engagement in Kaduna. He did not say anything he has not done in the past. The reference to Bank of agriculture is consistent with his track record.

As we approach February 2023 General elections, we must pay attention to verifiable track records & antecedents.

Let's us, as a people, determine to vote for honest & consistent leadership

#PeterObi4President2023 #ObiDatti2023

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