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Nov 30, 2022, 10 tweets

Congratulations to the winners of our #BinanceWebSummit challenge!

Many of you attended the biggest tech event in the world earlier this month & shared your favorite #Binance moments.

🧵 Now it’s time to meet the people who won a brand-new Binance skateboard.

Irmantas.ig’s video entry on Instagram shows it all.

The $BTC button game, the penalty kick out, and more. If you missed us at Web Summitm, here’s your chance to catch up.

.@arturDerm found the #Binance truck driving around Lisbon and with it, found his luck too!

Aimeili.bear (Instagram) displaying the perfect duo, with her #Binance and $BTC banners!

Congrats on winning a Binance Skateboard.

#Binance also helped Orangecraneamhimmel (Instagram) see crypto and Web3 with different eyes.

I think she liked it!

.@KizukiMoon was vibing at the #Binance booth, and is now taking a brand new skateboard home!

Orodrigodosantos (Instagram) hit top bins for a piece of #Binance merchandise.


There’s nothing better than a morning coffee with the chance of winning a prize on the side.

@Partners_Niftyz hit the jackpot on this one!

The #Binance truck was a success, and @LowizL1M made sure to follow it to say hello.

Lastly, @cventurestudio and @_lucy_jedi_ expressed their love for the #Binance cuisine!

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