Mike (Niche Twins) 🏴‍☠️ Profile picture
Part owner of https://t.co/jE3EuPX9N6 🗝️ Working on https://t.co/TWRMACm85k 🇺🇸 & https://t.co/uTSNqP6Aj8 👯‍♂️

Nov 30, 2022, 9 tweets

So Ezoic added a video platform/network called Humix this year, and I was just poking around in it this AM... my site has done nearly 1MM plays in the last 30 days

If you're using Ezoic, here's a quick intro to Humix...#sponsored

Humix allows you to upload videos to a library you control within Ezoic, and then monetize those videos in two main ways.

1. You can use the video on your own site and keep a higher percentage of the ad revenue than say YouTube

2. You can also choose to enable "video sharing" and grant access to 30,000+ other Ezoic sites to use your video on their sites. You'll collect a 50% share of the ad rev from those video plays.

AI helps automatically match your video with relevant content on those other sites.

To access Humix just go to the top of the Ezoic dashboard

On the Overview and Studio tabs you can upload new videos one-by-one, in bulk or import existing videos from YouTube

On the Site tab you can control exactly where on your site videos are embedded

But the Channel tab is where things get interesting.

You can enable "Grow" for all videos - this is what shares your video to the Ezoic site network, to earn some extra money each month.

(If you only want to enable some videos for Grow, you can limit it per video)

If you're a publisher that doesn't have any videos of your own, you can enable "Engage".

This allows relevant videos from other sites to be displayed on applicable pages of your own site - boosting revenue.

Humix is yet another way to increase website earnings - It'll add $2,500 bucks to my monthly earnings in Nov 👍

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