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Voice Of Sanatanis

Dec 1, 2022, 8 tweets

Modi Sarkar launched Gold monetisation schemes in 2015. But the response was muted.

While launching the scheme Modi said that India is not a poor country it has 20000 tonnes of gold.
Under the GMS schemes, Trusts(Read temple trusts)were also included.
The banks would sell, lease , melt your deposited Gold

But his eyes were always on Temple Gold.

The GMS scheme "FLOPPED". Indians know the importance of Gold they won't sell it for money. Neither will the temples if they are out of govt control

So Now this...Capital Gains Tax on Gold . You did not deposit your Gold , so now pay tax on it

The €v¡l WEF also has eyes on India's Gold
This is from an Article by WEF

Seems the govt is not able to control Rupee vs dollar rate , it desperately wants our Gold.
US dollar was backed by Gold
Gold is regarded as an effective inflation hedge
India was among the top 3 countries in stocking Gold.
Now it wants your Gold

Buy Gold from traditional sources (you know what I mean)
Do not deposit your Dadi Nani gold for loan against Gold. "He" will know i

Rest ...Best of luck

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