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Voice Of Sanatanis
প্রদীপ্ত মৈত্র (Pradipto Moitra) Profile picture Elamparithy Profile picture Vishal Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jun 2 9 tweets 4 min read
Elections are over,results will be declared on 4th June.
This election was fought on only one issue, that was 'CASTE' ,to be specific OBC/SC/ST.

Only the GCs are at a loss

The BJP government has been the champions of reservation let us examine how🧵 77th constitution amendment enabled reservations in promotion but that was WITHOUT CONSEQUENTIAL SENIORITY means GC candidates had the chance to retain their seniority

BJP brought 85th amendment which changed art 16(4A), gave consequential seniority to promotees via reservation Image
Apr 16 4 tweets 2 min read
Under PM Yashasvi scheme Jamia Millia Islamia RCA runs a free UPSC coaching .
See screenshots 1 &2 with your beloved Yashasvi Ji's picture.
Who are eligible for this coaching
All Minorities , SC, ST and Women(Read Hindu Women).

If the 💘strikes and the IRM happens (enabled by state) then don't complain.
After all he is the HHS
Feb 3 6 tweets 3 min read
Read this statement below ⬇️

"If a man Lusts after a young girl then the young girl should fulfill his desires.Otherwise she would be called a daughter of bourgeoisie, unworthy of being a true communist."

Madame Smidovich in Communist Party Newspaper Pravda March 1925
🧵 This statement clearly signals that for the communists a woman is a property.

Who are the communists ?

Communists are the most advance people of the proletariat struggle against the bourgeoisie.
Provide intellectual ammunition, in the words of Gramsci "Organic intellectuals"
May 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
BJP MLA Dinganglung GangMei has approached Supreme Court against the HC order to grant ST status to Meities .

This is the real @BJP4India
This is what we have been shouting at top of our Voices since last 2 yrs that these are the creatures who practice worst #PseudoHindutva Image You know Meities always enjoyed the Tribal status before merger with India , it was only when Manipur became a part of India then there status of ST was lost. Punishment for being Hindu in Secular India. Image
Feb 22, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
For a Musl¡m
Even if DNA is same ,SO WHAT?
They consider their pre Islamic past "JAHALIA"

"Think about ur past.What did u worship in India?....humble& helpless Trees , Stones .Who took you out from this deep darkness of such gross ignorance & indignity

Abul hasan Al Nadwi Image He further writes
India has been melting pot of nations. The nation's which migrated into india lost their distinctive characteristics and become mainstream Indians but the Muslims have been able to retain their separate islamic Identity Image
Feb 12, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The final object of both Reformists and Revolutionaries is the same. Both have many things in common but the fundamental point of agreement is that they both believe that the existing system is
"DEFORMED" Revolutionaries and Reformists compliment each other in many ways. However both do not get along quite often as they don't want to lose the credit.

Revolutionaries feel that Reforms are nothing but a bribe , a small concession given to their demands to break their movement.
Dec 3, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
In the Tussle between Modi Sarkar and the Judiciary, obviously the Moditurds will support the former.
Some members of the Hindu Wing are also on the side of Modi Sarkar.
may be reasons are
1.Judiciary is woke and Left leaning.
#VoiceOfSanatanis view point

Thread Judiciary is not a homogenous institution. One individual judge may be woke, liberal commie, americanized but the institution as a whole cannot be.Some other judge may be ritualistic, traditionalist ,Centrist etc.
Dec 1, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
Modi Sarkar launched Gold monetisation schemes in 2015. But the response was muted. ImageImage While launching the scheme Modi said that India is not a poor country it has 20000 tonnes of gold.
Under the GMS schemes, Trusts(Read temple trusts)were also included.
The banks would sell, lease , melt your deposited Gold ImageImageImage
Nov 18, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
She was a 27, people might say that she was mature and it was totally her decision but every decision is an outcome of your thought process.
This Thought process develops over a period of time What shapes our thought process?
We change minute by minute , slowly and steadily.
Do one thing start writing diary daily or if you can't then treat your TL as a diary.
After 3 years check your old tweets and compare them with your present ones , you will definitely find changes
Oct 28, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
Many Hindus are under a misconception that embracing B.R.A is a political compulsion of BJP/RSS. Here they are TOTALLY WRONG.
Reality is that RSS is ideologically aligned towards BRAism.

Thread Image The Chief Brain behind RSS after Dr.Hedgewar and Guruji was Dattopant Thengdi.
He was a huge personality within RSS and the creator of Swadeshi Jagran Manch , Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh and Bhartiya Kisan Sangh.
He was perhaps the biggest follower of Ambedkar , India ever produced Image
Oct 15, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Very dangerous Socio-Political experiment by the BJP. Many won't realise that it is intended to be an anti Hindu UC movement.
It is similar to the Marx's slogan
"Proletarians of all countries, Unite", means don't identify with your nation but with your class. Similarly here the BJP is giving the Slogan "Subalterns of all religions, Unite"
Meaning forget your religious identities and unite on the basis of castes. It is their greater Bahujanization project.

They want the Subalterns of Hindus to identify with the Subaltern of Muslims
Oct 10, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
I have read @RatanSharda55 ji.
You accuse the AAP but atleast AAP made him resign.

But compare with BJP
Jeetan Ram Manjhi abused an entire community but BJP did not break alliance with his party

Gajendra Jha targeted Jitan Manjhi not his community but he was thrown out of BJP You talked about "SAME DHARMIK FOLD"
The people of the SAME DHARMIK FOLD threw out 100000 Nepalese Hindus out of Bhutan.
These Hindus then had to live in refugee camps
Oct 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
National Law Schools will soon overtake JNU and TISS in WOKENESS.

Their faculties are far more influential as they are in close contact with Judiciary and they are also working in closely with Govt.
The Woke students will one day become Judges The Root of the problem lies in the 5 year LLB which is known as LLB hons.
30-35 years ago there was mainly 3 years LLB courses running in the country.
There is no difference between the courses except that in 5 year law the students are taught a few subjects of Humanities
Oct 10, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Rafiq's concepts are clear, only H¡ndus get surprised

If you look at this Hadith Abu Dawud 2050. Here the Propheit Indicates that marry fertile women , increase your numbers and thus increase the Umm@h In Ash Shura 42.27 All enlarges the provisions to its slaves(hence no problem even if the population of the world increases.
Oct 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Ba¡ramNagar , Bare¡IIy
Musl¡ms stopped the construction of a H¡ndu Temple.
They warned the Hindus that they will not be able to do any business and Trade.
A Public announcement was made that NO MSLIM will buy any product from HINDU owned shop. Bairam Nagar is a Mslim dominated village.Hindus constructed a Well there, during marriages they used to pooja there. Besides the well there was a small shivaling.
Village Kids covered that shivaling with bricks and Mslims started protesting that they won't let temple come up
Oct 5, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
SC decided that UNAMRRIED WOMEN have the right to get ABORTION under the MTP Act and for the purpose of abortion, RAPE will include MARITAL RAPE

Hindu side erupted over this judgement, some questioned the wokeness of Supreme court.

What is the thinking of BJP on this?
Thread Image Aishwarya Bhati ,the ASG (Govt side) assisted the court in interpreting the MTP act and here are some points
*Change in marital status = change in relationship
*Live in relationship = Marriage
Right to bodily integrity and autonomy and reproductive rights

Woke isn't she? Image
Sep 26, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
District Rohtas , Town Sasaram , Bihar

Ashoka converted
inscription into a Mazar
1933. 2023 2300 year old heritage is destroyed in 23 years , atleast 20 letters were written by ASI to district administration but in vain.
The letters were written in 2008, 2012 and 2018 , SDM asked the keys from Markazi Moharram Committe but the committee didn't return the keys
Sep 18, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Thousands of Nariyal walas have appeared suddenly in Dehradun, Nainital and other cities of Uttarakkhand .All of then are from SAMUDAY VISHESH .First they put a takhat with Nariyals. Then cover it with a plastic sheet. Then they build a small hut behind it and call their families Image The kingpin of these Takhtwalas is a man called Riaz. He has illegally occupied land and over which his Nariyal business flourishes . Generally these takhta wallas are basically from Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar etc. They generally will tell their names like pintu, chhotu, Raju etc Image
Aug 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Savarkar's hard hitting telegram to the secretary of state for India, London against Gandhi's plan to divide India. Image Since 1942 , Savarkar started observing anti Pakistan Day .
But people like @Jairam_Ramesh write with an agenda Image
Apr 4, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Rajiv Lochan Ray converted to Islam and attacked Jagannath Puri in 1568CE.
Today after 464 years after this incident now Jagannath Puri is again under attackt This time under the name of development . The State Govt is constructing a Puri Heritage Corridor . ASI has warned the state govt not to proceed as it will pose a huge threat to structural safety of Puri Jagannath temple…
Apr 2, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
CRT and QT the terms may be new but your US schools were infected with these ideas way back in the early 20th century.
This was observed in District Columbia appropriation bill 1937. Your Schools were poached by the communists way back in early 20th CE. The American Association for the Advancement of Atheism published and got their publications inside the schools and they first humiliated your Religion and Gods