Michael Levan 👨🏻‍💻☕️ Profile picture
I Simplify Kubernetes and Cyber Security With Real-World Content, Training, and Consulting┇4x Published Author┇International Public Speaker

Dec 1, 2022, 7 tweets

If you have an EKS cluster, that EKS cluster will have an IAM Role associated with it.

Ensure that the Role has all permissions needed.

For example, if you need to create Volumes for k8s, it'll need the following Policy Attachment.

How did I find this out?

#kubernetes #AWS

First, I tried to create a PVC and noticed that it was in a Pending state

Next, I described the PVC to see what was going on and I saw this.

`kubectl describe pvc name_of_pvc -n namespace_name`

I saw that I wasn't authorized to do something, but it didn't tell me "what". Then, I noticed there was the authorization encryption code.

So I decoded it with the following command

`aws sts decode-authorization-message --encoded-message encryption_code_here`

After that, I was able to see the ACTUAL error

I then went into AWS IAM and searched for the IAM policies for volumes. I looked at the JSON and saw exactly what I needed

And just like that, I was good to go!

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