Guy Parsons Profile picture
building things with #AI 🤖 #DALLE & #MidJourney adventurer ✍️ editor, 🖼 curator of the

Dec 3, 2022, 11 tweets

#AI, make me some fashion editorial, darling!

(Asking #chatGPT to generate formatted prompts for random fashion shoots, then posting the results into #MidJourneyV4.)

HD photos in thread - see the prompts in alt text! 🧵👇

1/5 💖💛

2/5. The example on the right shows how creative #AI prefers coherency over surrealism: once it had decided he had a 'regal' expression, it made the background 'a palace.'


4/5. In the one on the right I tweaked the output to include 'full body shot, outfit' which works better for generating entire costumes.


Of course, as you'll see from the prompt template, these are all vaguely magazine-friendly fashion photos.

You could tweak the template to generate catwalk shows instead!

These images and prompts were all from the very first try - no cherry-picking or clever engineering required!

Try ChatGPT:
Try MidJourney:

And follow me, @GuyP, for more #AI nonsense!

Previously: the movies!

Interior design:

And furniture:

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