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Dec 6, 2022, 11 tweets

/1 🚨🦠BREAKING: Following the #TwitterFiles, AFL has obtained new documents uncovering a secret Twitter portal U.S. Govt officials used to censor dissenting COVID-19 views and violate the First Amendment.
Follow along for disturbing findings from the 500+ page release ⤵️

/2 In August 2021, the head of Google’s News Lab for the Asia Pacific region (APAC), emailed a CDC Vaccine Confidence Strategist to invite her to the APAC’s “Trusted Media Summit.”

/3 CDC’s Vaccine Confidence Strategist then emailed the event planner for Google’s APAC Trusted Media Summit, noting her excitement over being invited to what she referred to as “the coolest misinformation fighting speakeasy.”

/4 The same CDC employee was then invited to the summit to give a keynote addressing how the CDC was working with WHO and other international organizations to address a so-called “infodemic” and using “social inoculation” to mitigate it.

/5 On May 10, 2021, a Twitter employee recommended to a CDC official to enroll in Twitter’s Partner Support Portal, which he described as “the best way to get a spreadsheet like this reviewed.”

/6 On May 11, 2021, the CDC official enrolled her personal Twitter account into Twitter’s Partner Support Portal, which allowed “a special, expedited reporting flow in the Twitter Help Center.”

/7 Facebook brags in a slide deck, “We remove claims about the existence or severity of COVID-19 … includ[ing] Claims that COVID-19 is no more dangerous … than the common flu or cold.”

/8 Facebook uses incredibly vague and nebulous standards to judge information:

/9 In its “Widely Debunked Vaccine Hoaxes” section, Facebook claims that “natural immunity is safer than vaccine acquired immunity” despite knowledge that the vaccines did not prevent transmission & what we now know: more vaccinated people are dying now than unvaccinated.

/10 Finally, Facebook boasts of removing over 16 million posts on Facebook and Instagram, including over 2 million between February and May 2021.

/11 Read more now:…

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