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Jul 25 28 tweets 10 min read

We filed 7 investigations into Kamala Harris’ roles in CA gov’t from 1990-2017.

It appears she has failed to:

❌Enforce federal immigration laws
❌Pursue equal justice
❌Disclose conflicts of interest
❌Comply with federal law protecting donor privacy

MORE: Image /2 Time and time again, Kamala Harris has proven to be the most radically progressive Vice President in American history.

Harris has a long history of promoting a far-left agenda, including support for abolishing ICE:
Jul 25 8 tweets 2 min read

What is the Biden-Harris admin’s illegal “CBP One” app?

It’s a phone app that Biden, Harris, and Mayorkas created for illegal aliens to get fast-pass escorted entry into the U.S.

We explain in the thread below ⤵️ Image /2 U.S. law requires aliens immigrating to the United States to have a visa before traveling to the United States.
Jul 24 10 tweets 4 min read

CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity company behind the global tech outage that grounded flights and forced hospital systems and banks offline, appears to be engaged in alleged anti-white, anti-male discrimination.

We’ve filed a federal civil rights complaint: Image /2 The cybersecurity technology company openly states that “diversity” includes “diversity of gender, race [and] ethnicity.”

Accordingly,  CrowdStrike uses this definition of diversity to describe that it unlawfully considers gender, race, and ethnicity, among other factors, when evaluating nominees to its board of directors.Image
Jul 22 7 tweets 3 min read

We launched a new investigation into the role played by the Biden-Harris administration’s HHS in the prosecution of Texas Children’s Hospital Whistleblower Dr. Ethan Haim.

Read more… Image /2 HHS has aggressively promoted the chemical castration and physical mutilation of children who “identify” as the opposite sex.

However, on February 22, 2022, the Texas Attorney General opined that a wide range of “gender affirming” or “sex change” procedures and treatments, when performed on children, can legally constitute child abuse under several provisions of chapter 261 of the Texas Family Code.
Jul 22 10 tweets 3 min read
/1💉🦠EXCLUSIVE – We obtained new internal emails from the CDC revealing the Biden-Harris admin colluded with Facebook to write a "FAQ" webpage to deter concerns about the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine and shape public narratives.

BIG TECH & GOV COLLUSION EXPOSED: Image /2 We obtained these documents from litigation against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The latest tranche of documents shows how the CDC worked with Facebook to control what information was being pushed to the public with regards to the COVID-19 vaccine. In an email chain between Facebook and CDC titled “CDC approval requested: FAQ Content,” Facebook sent draft content to CDC for approval.
Jul 22 20 tweets 8 min read

New docs we obtained from litigation reveal how HHS Assistant Secretary “Rachel” Levine and the Biden admin stepped up federal civil rights investigations in Texas following @GovAbbott’s ban on child mutiliation and sterilization.

SHOCKING EXPOSÉ: Image /2 We obtained these documents through litigation against HHS to enforce a FOIA request for Assistant Secretary Levine’s communications regarding pediatric “transgender clinics,” otherwise known as the genital mutilation and sterilization of America’s children.
Jul 19 6 tweets 2 min read
/1 We filed an amicus brief to support @JeffClarkUS, arguing that the proceedings seeking to disbar him should be discontinued immediately based upon SCOTUS’ recent decision in Trump v. United States.

We are proud to fight against weaponized institutions and government: Image /2 In yet another example of a nationwide phenomena of organizations and individuals weaponizing institutions to take out perceived political opponents, the Office of Disciplinary Counsel seeks to punish Mr. Clark for providing advice and counsel to the President of the United States and for authority a draft memo about the 2020 presidential election.
Jul 17 13 tweets 5 min read

We just threatened legal action against all 15 Arizona counties should they fail to take action to stop illegal aliens from voting.

AZ election officials are required under the law to ensure foreign nationals are removed from their voter rolls.

THREAD: Image /2 We sent legal demand letters to all 15 Arizona County Recorders demanding they take action to remove foreign citizens from their voter rolls.

We sent the letters on behalf of our clients, Arizona Free Enterprise Club and Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona, and demands that election officials fulfill their legal obligations to prevent aliens from voting.
Jul 16 18 tweets 7 min read

Following the attempted assassination of President Trump, we have launched over a dozen investigations into the federal government’s activities before, during, and after July 13, 2024. 

We are fighting to ensure the American people have full transparency.

READ: Image /2 Congress has charged the United States Secret Service (USSS) with the responsibility to protect many individuals—from the President, Vice President, their immediate families, and former Presidents, to visiting heads of foreign countries and other individuals.
Jul 12 5 tweets 2 min read

With @KenPaxtonTX @TXAG, we secured a preliminary injunction to STOP Biden’s illegal edict forcing girls in public school to share the bathroom with men.

This is a major victory to stop the Biden admin’s anti-science agenda.

THREAD: Image /2 This preliminary injunction will stop the Biden Administration’s Title IX rules from wreaking havoc on women, children, and schools across the country.
Jul 11 16 tweets 5 min read
/1🚨#DeepStateDiaries RECAP🚨

Today, we are publicly releasing all of the documents from the Brennan-Clapper intel committee that we obtained in litigation.

These docs further reveal the whole-of-government approach the Biden admin took to silence political dissent.

🧵RECAP: /2 We are releasing the internal files from the “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group,” obtained exclusively through our litigation with @RichardGrenell against the Biden DHS:
Jul 9 9 tweets 2 min read

We are detailing the unconstitutional ex post facto prosecution of President Trump.

This is the latest in a series of documents published by AFL revealing the grave legal errors in Bragg’s politically motivated prosecution: Image /2 Article 1, Section 10 of the United States Constitution prohibits States from passing ex post facto laws–meaning laws that would impose criminal liability retroactively.
Jul 9 16 tweets 5 min read

New docs from the Brennan-Clapper intel committee reveal the group pushed DHS to adopt covert influence campaigns and use “trusted messengers” to get the “American people to feel” a certain way about issues.

#DeepStateDiaries PART 6: Image /2 Today, we are releasing the sixth tranche of internal files from the “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group,” obtained exclusively through our litigation with @RichardGrenell against the Biden DHS:
Jul 3 13 tweets 4 min read

We released 11 documents detailing the numerous grave and fatal legal errors in the politically-motivated prosecution of President Trump by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg.

This prosecution was a legal abomination.

🧵We detail each error in the thread below: PART 1: Violation of President Trump’s Sixth Amendment rights requiring a unanimous jury verdict to convict.
Jul 2 9 tweets 2 min read

Judge Merchan Improperly excluded the testimony of former Federal Elections Commission Chairman Brad Smith, an expert witness for the defense. 

PART 9: Image /2 At the core of the alleged crimes is the allegation that Trump’s payments to Cohen are “misclassified” election expenditures. 

See part 2 for why this is a bogus theory in the first place.
Jul 2 9 tweets 2 min read

Judge Merchan improperly allowed—over the defense’s objections—the irrelevant and salacious testimony of Stormy Daniels, which was simply character assassination of President Trump.

PART 7: Image /2  All 34 counts against Trump were for falsifying business records.
Jul 2 8 tweets 3 min read

Judge Juan Merchan was not a fair or impartial Judge. He and his daughter appear to have deep ties to the Democratic Party. He should have recused himself from all cases involving President Trump.

PART 4: Image /2 Judge Merchan apparently made financial contributions to Joe Biden’s Presidential Campaign and a Political Action Committee called “Stop Republicans.” Image
Jul 2 11 tweets 3 min read

We just filed a lawsuit against Northwestern University and the Northwestern Law Review for discriminating against white men when:

‼️Hiring faculty
‼️Selecting articles, editors, and members of the law review

All the details below: Image /2 With co-counsel Jonathan F. Mitchell and Stone Hilton PLLC we just sued Northwestern University for discriminating against white men in its faculty hiring and the Northwestern University Law Review for discriminating against white men when selecting its articles, editors, and members.
Jul 2 13 tweets 3 min read

We just filed a lawsuit against CBS for allegedly unlawfully firing a Emmy award-winning news anchor because he is a white male.

The complaint alleges anti-white and anti-male discrimination in violation of Civil Rights law: Image /2 AFL’s client is an Emmy Award-winning white male with over 30 years of experience in broadcast journalism. In May 2022, after working at CBS for almost seven years, the General Manager Joel Vilmanay informed him that he would be terminated within six months and that CBS was currently looking for his replacement. AFL’s client asked the Vice President News Director of CBS, Mike Dello Stritto, about his termination and was told: “It’s not about the ratings.”
Jul 2 8 tweets 2 min read

The charges against President Trump would have been appropriate only in FEDERAL COURT, not in New York state court. 

PART 2: Image /2 Donald Trump was charged and convicted in state court of various election-related crimes. 

However, FEDERAL COURTS HOLD EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION over federal campaign and finance issues.
Jul 2 9 tweets 2 min read

Judge Merchan allowed the jury to reach a verdict that was NOT UNANIMOUS—a violation of President Trump’s rights under the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution. 

PART 1: Image /2 NY Election Law § 17-152 states, “any two or more persons who conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means … shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.”