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Dec 7, 2022, 14 tweets

Live from #GartnerIO | Kick Your Infrastructure-as-Code Journey Into High Gear with Chris Saunderson, Gartner Sr Director Analyst. Follow along for key #GartnerInsights ⬇️ #IaC

Gartner predicts that by 2025, 70% of organizations will complement continuous delivery of applications with continuous #infrastructure #automation to improve business agility, which is a significant increase from fewer than 20% in 2021. #GartnerIO #IaC

What are the components of #infrastructure as code (#IaC)? #GartnerIO

Infrastructure orchestration is also a key component to accelerate your #IaC. #GartnerIO

There are 3⃣ things that infrastructure orchestration enables:
1⃣: Customer-focused delivery
2⃣: Automated operations
3⃣: Innovation
#GartnerIO #IaC

1⃣: Customer-focused delivery. #GartnerIO #IaC

2⃣: Automated operations. #GartnerIO #IaC

3⃣: Innovation. #GartnerIO #IaC

"#IaC is a tactical choice. Infrastructure orchestration is a strategic investment." #GartnerIO

Now that we understand the components of #IaC, how can we accelerate our IaC journey? “Learn from others.” #GartnerIO

In an example case, we can understand common root causes of the challenges surrounding #IaC. #GartnerIO

Once you can understand your #IaC implementation challenges, shift the responsibilities away from traditional operations. #GartnerIO

"The more agile your #infrastructure, the faster you can innovate." #GartnerIo #IaC

Leverage our action plan over the next 12 months to kick your #IaC journey into high gear. #GartnerIO

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