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Dec 7, 2022, 10 tweets

#Swamiji Profile #Thread- Sri Vidyadheesha Tirtha Swamiji!

Sri Vidyadheesha Tirtha Swamiji of Palimaru Matha is a well known scholar of Vyakarana, Nyaya, Jyotisha, Dharmashastra and Dvaita Vedanta.

His articles and books on Dvaita philosophy were received with great appreciation by readers. Sri Swamiji translated 'Yamaka-Bharata' of Madhwacharya in Kannada. A unique interpretation on Nyayasudha by Swamiji, named 'Chancharikati', is admired by all Pandits.

Hundreds of discourses have been delivered by Sri Swamiji on Bhagavata, Mahabharata, Bhagavadgita, Sundarakanda etc. He is a strict follower of Yati- dharma and has already completed many Vratas prescribed for Sannyasins.

Recently he taught the Nyayasudha to his own Yogadipika Gurukula students. It is more than 5 times that 'Sudha- mangala' was performed by H.H. Swamiji.

He has honoured hundreds of scholars during his Paryaya and every year Vidwat-sadas which are held in Yogadipika Gurukula premises, Palimaru. Mangalore District. Swamiji has also written 'Sri Krishna-Suprabhatam' and 'Sri Vidyamanyatirtha-mangalashtakam' in Sanskrit.


Sri Swamiji is the Shishya of the exalted Sri Vidyamanya Tirtha Swamiji. Sri Vidyadheesha Tirtha Swamiji has chosen Sri Vidyarajeshwara Tirtha Swamiji as a successor to the Vedanta Samrajya.

Above info extracted from a write up by Dr AV Nagasampige Ji

*Udupi District

Updates to the thread provided by @tomatosudhu Anna:

Swamiji has done 14 Sudha Mangala's as on date. Swamiji's major achievements - chaturmasya in Badrinath. Publishing entire Mahabharata in 18 odd volumes.

Besides establishing Tattwa Samshodana Samsat for research and publication. Many books being brought out in English as well.

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