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Dec 7, 2022, 114 tweets

Britney Spears deletes Instagram — again — as #FreeBritney fan fears rise


Where is Britney? Why is there a less reported Care Plan in place for her after the Conservatorship ended, and how is that any different from a Conservatorship?

I've been following Britney's IG too, and I have witnessed the deletion of posts myself too.

Too many things just don't add up.

I've seen the video that was more about flaunting the effort of the person planning the birthday than it is about the birthday girl. Not sure if any of the items were sponsored.

From Sam's Instagram story

“We're running 30 mins late. Did all this for her... just to be on Instagram and make content. (called out to behind him) 'We're running late to dinner! Cmon, let's go!' (to the camera) This is what I have to deal with...”

Other things to consider. Mosiac out some handles just in case.


Updated on Jun 10, 2022

The IG story video from which I quoted.

I had a slight typo.

Apparently, Sam said he did all that for her and I quote:

“Did all this... for her to just be on Instagram and make content.”

Previously, I wrote “just to be” instead of “to just be.” Not much difference in context, but this is the exact sequence.

It's her birthday, but the video is all about him and hardly anything of her, except for some blurry images in the backdrop, and an arm size that looked different from a previous video, none of which you can confirm it's her.

About the arm.

More updates to this thread for my personal reference.


Some more.

Britney's Instagram post today.
#JusticeForBritney #FreeBritney

Britney also posted another insta reel hours earlier. She was dancing in a yellow top. I saw that post too but it was deleted. We all saw a big bruise mark on Britney's tummy as she was dancing.



In the recent climate of outrage against Balenciaga for posting photos of children holding bears in bondage, we have this IG post with a teddy bear.

Again, check the mentioned account regarding teddy bears.

Where is Britney? Is she safe or not? Why is there no high res live video of her? Why are Sam's videos in such high resolution while hers are not?


Another recent insta reel that she deleted. In her caption, she claimed that she accidentally pressed the wrong button and deleted her Instagram account the two previous times. Is it so easy to delete your Instagram account with just one touch? 🤨🤔

Some of her tattoos.


He said he respected her privacy, yet suddenly put her on live in the bedroom without informing her beforehand.

Aaron Carter didn't like Sam.


This just happened recently.

Many of Britney's fans are starting to think that Britney did not have an actual wedding.

Here is a video of Britney's first ex-husband crashing the wedding venue to find no one there. When this was first released, ppl thought he was just a troublemaker.


There was a fan who paid the registry to find out that Britney had not registered her marriage at all and there was another fan who claimed that a confidential marriage license exists, which required no witnesses, that no one can access.


Britney's IG has been posting & deleting so many posts it's hard to keep track. While I didn't keep track of all, I did distinctively recall a weird song for this wedding photo that was posted. Why did she choose a song that sang “No, he don't love me?”

Why would a “happy bride” post content like that just after the wedding? There was another post on her IG, which is likely deleted now, but which I'm sure some of her fans had ss. The caption below her wedding photo said something about her not being present at the wedding!

If she had body doubles, that would explain the low res of her photos & videos, the missing tattoos from the OG her & the weird contortion of her face & body as observed by some fans. Body double is already common in the industry.


What's more, deepfakes and AI are getting more common these days.


As explained by Intel.

This is the post from ShopRebelGypsy's tiktok who claimed that Britney's marriage certificate cannot be found.


When was Britney last seen? If she's truly free, why has she not been seen freely moving about? Why does her IG content look controlled? When was the last time she gave an interview with a reputable outlet? What hap to her book deal? It fell through due to paper shortage?!

One of Britney's posts on her IG where she thanked the #FreeBritney movement but which has now been deleted. She said her voice was muted & threatened for so long. She thanked her fans for bringing awareness to the public & saving her life.



Britney looked sort of dif each time in her different videos. Sometimes she's missing her tattoos,times ppl pointed out some contortions in her videos. Here, people have found her teeth to look drastically different. Teeth don't change overnight like that.

Hang on to that previous post because this goes deeper. These are all alleged but extremely concerning, especially when victims, possibly minors, are calling out for help.

How many people are accessing Britney's account? Who's crying for help?

Some of the screenshots taken from this account. Follow and check out her stories. It explains all the incoherencies that have been baffling the public and Britney's fans, allegedly. This needs more international attention!


More alleged.

Innocent, fun emojis, until they're being coded for something more sinister.

Check out her stories!


https ://instagram. com /exposingprojectrose

Sam's live IG video in which he tried to reinforce the narrative of Britney as "crazy" (3rd slide), which helps to explain away all the weird, inconsistent captions on Britney's IG posts. He kept repeating the line, "That's crazy."


Britney's recent "sighting"

More about it.

People are continuing to analyze past videos and photos to find strange occurances.


“After the 20-year-old claimed that Wrecking Ball's controversial video was inspired by Nothing Compares 2 U, the Irish singer was compelled to warn Cyrus that she is being 'pimped' by the pop industry.”


Sinéad O'Connor
Thu 3 Oct 2013 13.06 BST

Screenshots from the article and from an IG story.

"She's posting."

Really? From which of the at least 9 handlers from the 9 different regions detected?

It's scary when there's so much footage of you that they can be posted on social media and be claimed as you even if you're not the one posting them, allegedly.

But her current authenticated Instagram account was created in 2011? Was that previous screenshot for Facebook?

People are really worried about Britney.

#WhereIsBritney #FreeBritney2 #FreeBritney #JusticeForBritney

Listen to what she has to say:

Merry Christmas!🎄

Apparently, this post was fake.

Some people are just so heartless to do stuff like that! We need more accurate information!

I personally saw the original caption on that little girl dancing in front of a teddy bear post before it was edited. The post is left up with its edited caption, though with the comments turned off, you can't check when the post was last edited. The last pic is the current post.

Caption had been edited to include Britney and to make a pun on the word Christmas into Britmas. The last picture shows the caption before being edited.

Britney's wedding is like a circus performance. How fking common is it when the groom is FEATURED MORE prominently than the bride, especially when it's Britney Spears, the WORLD STAR!!!?

It's a performed illusion designed to distract and mislead us.


WHERE IS BRITNEY? When was the last time we heard her voice live? When was her last live interview? Why are other people who speak for Britney louder than her own voice?


#WhereIsBritney #FreeBritney2 #FreeBritney

Have you seen this episode in Black Mirror?

Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too

#WhereIsBritney #FreeBritney2

Screenshots from a few days ago from #FreeBritney's supporters' IG story.

A recent Britney post/reel on her Instagram, which has now been deleted, showing her dancing with Sam at her supposed wedding in a black blazer/jacket.

The caption of her instagram reel has been ss before the post was deleted. People are talking about the oddity of the post.

More screenshots of the varying thoughts related to her recently deleted post. People are trying to uncover the link.


Back to this recently deleted reel posted on the 27 December.


Britney Spears sent Warning Signs for over a Decade | The Control #FreeBritney Part 4

Let's Talk About Sam Asghari & Free Britney Theories :)


Rising from the flames.

The Exact Moment Britney Spears Lost Her Freedom | The Conservatorship | (Part 3) #FreeBritney


The letter has been mentioned in this documentary too.


Remote Online Social Engineering.

Every Rose Has Its Thorns


Website: https ://www.cisoplatform .com/profiles/blogs/every-rose-has-its-thorn-the-dark-art-of-remote-online-social-eng

Some screenshots from the website.

Wow. So many types of phishing.

ROSE is creating fiction.
- Believable characters and backstories.
- Realistic dialogues, reactions, compelling plot.
- Realistic conclusions.

Personas. But maliciously created for the use of attacks.


Why are they phishing you for information?

Tom Cruise deepfake? Nah. That's so yesterday.

We now have Keenu Reeves Deepfake.

“I Care A Lot” careplan?


People are worried about Britney. Because of the mixed signals, they are also worried that some of the instagram posts might not be coming from Britney directly while some ARE.

TCON means Team Conservatorship = People trying to keep Britney in the Conservatorship/Careplan.

This post is BACK!

Psss you cannot see when and if the caption has been edited if the comments are turned off.

But people always video and screenshoot the original anyway.

Human Rights Watch’s Opposition to CARE Court (SB 1338)


https ://www.hrw .org/news/2022/06/14/human-rights-watchs-opposition-care-court-sb-1338

Britney Spears - 42-Minute Conservatorship Hearing #BritneySpeaks #FreeBritney [Audio Leak]

Mentioned by Britney in the audio video above at 23:58 as “the man that died.”


I don't agree with everything I read but I agree with her on this.

“Because it's easier to control the masses when you control their idols, and it's a lot easier to control idols when you created them from the beginning and when they're not really there.”

From bringing. to.light.britney

The next hearing.


Who's writing?

From bringing. to.light.britney again.

ALC Ice Bucket Challenge

“For all of the 17 years of the torture you put me through!”


Britney Spears - Hold It Against Me (Official Video)




👀 Britney JUST posted.

That loading circle below the caption... could it be that the comment section was suddenly switched off again?


Previously unreleased Glory photos.

The deepfake and edited photos are getting more & more ridiculous and the real Britney is still nowhere to be found!

#WhereIsBritney #FreeBritney2 #FreeBritney

3/9 pic in the original post:

Why the token fake photo?

Let's break down the faked parts.

#WhereIsBritney #FreeBritney2 #FreeBritney

What a sharp pointy ear👂!
What necklaces sink into your body? 🧐
What kind of fingers are those?!!!

I've gathered observations from other accounts too.

It's laughable at this point how they're trying to make use of Britney without her presence and consent. She wasn't even tagged!

Her right eye has blurred lashes compared to her left eye.


Go check out all the instagram accounts from which I've lifted their stories from. They are making great observations and they have insightful posts.


Now who's the birthday boy and what role does he have in Britney's life?

Check out @/peppersandpeach's Instagram highlights to find out more!

About the watch.

Here's the link to the original posted picture until it gets removed suddenly again.



How to recognize fake AI-generated images

I agree with britneymystery. This is about things not being as they seem. It's not an attack on anyone's image at all. We're all worried about Britney's safety.

Here's a very informative video by the @SlavePrincess_ about Britney's situation. Watch it and form your own thoughts about it.


https://rumble .com/vop7qw-slave-princess-official-film.html


Why fake Britney's photo when clearly she wasn't at the birthday party?


So many paparazzi. Yet Britney is nowhere to be found.


The last screenshot is from the Slave Princess documentary.


As Britney's husband, why did he post such a gross Instagram story? Is this all to distract us when the focus should be on the investigation of Britney's assets and money?



Why is Taylor Swift's cat worth more than Britney Spears? It doesn't make sense.


Making Sense Of The Britney Spears Conservatorship And #FreeBritney

Taylor Swift’s cat is worth over $95M report says

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