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No One Left Behind ensures that the United States keeps its promise to care for those who jeopardize their safety for our country.

Dec 7, 2022, 10 tweets

All the ways the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), out today, fails our Afghan allies and the veterans & volunteers who are working to save them. 🧵

First, the big one. The SIV program has been extended in the NDAA on an annual basis for 8 years plus without objection. This year, it was stricken by the Senate at the whim of @ChuckGrassley. @SenateDems @SenateGOP

The Senate also struck down a provision that would extend SIV eligibility to Afghan interpreters wounded in combat alongside American troops.

This had vocal bipartisan support in the House Armed Services committee from @RepMoulton, @RepMarkGreen, @MikeforWI, & @michaelgwaltz. It would have cost the American people nothing.

Congress also killed a bill from @RepJasonCrow that would have required the DOD to keep records of the local partners they hire in combat zones.

Oh, but don't worry - Congress appended a message to this saying they like the idea and plan to look into it...

In the final NDAA, they also struck down a provision requiring the @StateDept to surge capacity to issue visas to our Afghan allies and speed up the process. More than 160k visa-eligible Afghans remain trapped in Afghanistan.

The NDAA also cut out a bill that would reimburse active duty troops & veterans for personal funds they expended to evacuate their Afghan allies during the chaotic US withdrawal last year. Thousands of veterans stepped in when the government failed, at great personal expense.

But wait - look at the last piece there. They "acknowledge the incredible heroism and professionalism" of our troops and "are grateful for the Afghan nationals who supported the United States."
They just aren't willing to DO anything about it.

If you support our allies from the last 20 years of war or care about American credibility with our combat partners, make sure your voice is heard. America's veterans will not stand for the abandonment of those who fought alongside us. #FinishTheMission

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