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Dec 9, 2022, 6 tweets

New WHO report on #AntimicrobialResistance reveals very high levels of resistance in common bacteria frequently causing bloodstream infections in hospitals.

Infection prevention & control is critical to stop the spread and save lives.


Several common infections are becoming increasingly resistant to treatment.

Over 60% of the bacteria causing gonorrhoea, a common sexually-transmitted infection, have been reported as resistant to one of the main antibiotics used to treat it.


The bacteria that causes most urinary tract infections - E. coli - is over 20% resistant to the main antibiotics used to treat UTIs.

These painful infections then become harder to treat.


Did you know?

Penicillins are the most frequently used antibiotics and also the most used in the community.
This @WHO report on #AntimicrobialResistance reveals rates of antibiotic use in 27 countries.


This report also highlights disparities between countries in #AntimicrobialResistance (AMR) testing coverage.

Urgent action is needed to strengthen diagnostic capacity & testing in low- and middle-income countries to stop the spread of AMR.


Routine surveillance of #AntimicrobialResistance (AMR) is improving, but more needs to be done to address critical data gaps.

WHO is piloting national prevalence surveys to drive an effective national & global response to stop the spread of AMR.


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