Dan Sohege 🧡 Profile picture
Director of Stand For All. Specialist in refugee protection, human rights & immigration. Also tweeting about autism and LGBTQI+. Personal account. My views only

Dec 10, 2022, 9 tweets

Thread: As yes the "liberal" defence of illegal and inhumane actions against people seeking safety. First off those "inconstestable" facts are indeed contested, by, uhm, the Home Office. Awkward. 1/

Rejecting human rights is unlikely to make a significant difference, unless that is you support removing people to countries where they face torture or inhumane treatment, in which case I would personally argue you cannot call yourself "liberal". 2/

Ah yes, the "liberal" argument of detaining people indefinitely. Keeping in mind you still cannot send them off to countries which you don't have a returns agreement with, at a cost of about £100 per day, so yeah, that works to save money Matt. 3/

Okay, so first off there are more reasons that people need to seek asylum from persecution other than fleeing conflicts. Secondly, resettlement routes only work when they operate, and as the Afghan scheme has taken no-one this year, they don't. 4/

But I guess you can always fall back on shouting "RWANDA IS THE SOLUTION", despite Rwanda not having close to capacity for everyone anyway, or the government's own analysis showing it is unsafe for refugees. 5/

That's not to mention how the report which Parris is so happily pushing from a "liberal" position is based in large part on a falsehood with the way it defines refugees, as explained by @StevePeers here. 6/

As well as on data which, as @jdportes explains here, should be used with caution, to put it mildly at best, considering the source. 7/

Oh yes, and the Home Affairs Committee report which found that the threat of removals to Rwanda is not a "deterrent". Other than that though Matthew, fine crack on with your "liberal" argument for denying safety to people seeking it. 8/

On a separate, and more personal note, that Matthew Parris decided to publish a column ostensibly supporting a report which has been condemned by no less than UNHCR for pushing illegal policies on #HumanRightsDay2022 is just sickening. 9/

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