Albert Vilella Profile picture
Next-Generation Sequencing, Single-Cell and Spatial Biology, Next-Generation Proteomics, Synthetic Biology, Accelerated Compute in Biotech.

Dec 11, 2022, 6 tweets

Some initial results from the #CASP15 competition and we see that #Alphafold2 has become a fertile ground for experimentation by several research groups around the world. Facebook's ESM protein language models (pLMs) are the top non-MSA based methods.

Another slide showing some of the experimentation taking place: increase the number of models, recycles, get more diversity using dropout (how would that work?), subsample MSAs.

A slide showing the amount of #GPU hours used for computing the structures in the #CASP15 dataset.

How quickly things progress: we are now treating naive AF2-Multimer as the starting point onto which we make improvements.

Here showing some of the remaining challenges for AF2-Multimer, including Antibody & nanobody completes and Mutation-induced changes.

On the topic of folding predictions for Antibodies, we got lots of great data for SARS-CoV-2 in the last couple of years. Some example predictions on these here.

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