Emm 🔜 GDC 2025 Profile picture
🇺🇸 🇫🇷 Co-founder of https://t.co/7ElrGjg10n 🚀 building the most efficient AI toolset for consistency and creative control 👾 | @scenario_gg

Dec 11, 2022, 15 tweets

Allow me share some of the coolest AI-monsters ever created (I’ve made 300 of them today using Scenario.gg)

I played around “sculpture”, “figurine”, “3D rendering”, “patina” - and a super creative finetune!

More examples below 🧵👇🏼

@Scenario_gg #GenAI #AI

And there are many more. What do you think?

I need ChatGPT to create a name for each of them, and then all the stories :)

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