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Creator of the podcast "All Things Nonlinear Dynamical - Talks About the Brain and Human Connection®" Available on Spotify and

Dec 12, 2022, 6 tweets

#Fun, TRUE #LouiseHay #Story

I had an amazing opportunity in meeting Louise Hay a few years ago. 1/

Dr. Jeffrey Thompson introduced me and my co-students to Louise Hay at the celebration dinner after successful completion of his Holistic Practitioner Certification Course in 2015. 2/

Louise brought out a small, cocktail fork at the dinner table and when we asked her what's up with that, she picked up the regular fork and compared it with the cocktail fork. She pointed at the regular fork and said, "Just look at this fork - it's OBSCENE! 3/

It's made for a MAN and I am a PRINCESS!" Louise was so charming, and I was enchanted with her that I had the audacity to tell her that I would be her knight in shining armor and protect and defend her forever. 4/

She kissed my cheek when we were taking pictures (I don't have a copy of that one) and touched my soul. I will never forget her and I will always cherish the memory of that single meeting with her. xoxo 5/

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