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ONE PIECE theory and speculation account. Let's have fun with this. WARNING: Posts will contain spoilers. . . . . . . . (The One Piece is going to be a...!)

Dec 12, 2022, 18 tweets

One Piece Theory:

The Origin of the Devil Fruits.

A theory that combines spirals, the broken horn, puns, and the recent lore from Egghead Island.

What if there was no Devil Fruit tree…?

#onepiece #onepiecetheory

A little disclaimer - as with most theories of mine this might prove to be false, and it’s definitely reaching in parts.

Like Vegapunk said - "This is only my theory."

However, I think it’s a fun idea worth sharing…because I don’t think I’ve seen it anywhere else.

Let’s go.

Let’s recap what we know about Devil Fruits.

(1) Eating it grants users special abilities. In return, they lose the ability to swim.

(2) Vegapunk has said it’s the wish for the next step of human evolution - a result of wishes and desires.

(3) The Devil Fruits are covered in a swirl pattern, similar to Sanji’s eyebrows, and one we’ve seen in Oda's signature.

(4) When a User dies, their ability is reincarnated into another fruit, for someone else to eat.

(5) Records of Devil Fruits exist - as mentioned by Vegapunk, Blackbeard and Sanji, in Devil Fruit Encyclopedias.

I think that’s about all we know - now…the mystery remains: where do they come from?

Oda takes numerous references from Greek mythology.

In fact, the types of Devil Fruit are rooted in Greek words - check out @Senhor_Werner thread here.

Could there be a Greek mythology Oda might be drawing inspiration from? I believe so.

The Cornucopia or the Horn of Plenty is a horn overflowing with fruits and other goodies.

As a baby, Zeus was cared for by the goat, Amalthea.

Not knowing his strength, Zeus broke off one of her horns, which then had the divine power to provide unending nourishment.

Beyond the myth, the Horn of Plenty is used in Thanksgiving and Coat of Arms as a symbol of abundance. It’s even appeared in the Hunger Games.

I think that in One Piece, there exists a Horn inspired by this that can either produce Devil Fruits, or turn normal fruits into DFs.

Here's how it can work: someone will blow into the Horn, and it’ll turn their desire or wish for the future into an ability.

My speculation is that it’ll cost the blower their life - but their will or dream will be inherited by someone else - hence the idea of inherited will.

Now - I’ve seen this being tossed around: how do we get something like the Jake Jake No Mi or the Beri Beri no Mi?

Perhaps the Horn gives you what it thinks you need, and not what you think you need.

When it comes to wishes, sometimes they don’t always go perfectly.

So where does the spiral come in?

I believe that the spiral represents the Horn. The spirals are actually little horns viewed from one end.

It’s possible that the origin of the Devil Fruit is hinted at on the Devil Fruit itself.

One of the other recurring images is that of the broken horn.

We saw it with the Ancient Giant of Egghead, Onigashima, Kaido, Magellan and even Chopper.

Could this be related to the Devil Fruit's origins?

I believe so.

Just like the legend where Zeus broke the horn of Amalthea, it’s possible that the horn originally belonged to a creature - it was broken off and this became the horn that produced Devil Fruits.

The creatured could be an ancient giant, oni or ox - there are many possibilities.

The Horn actually makes sense in relation to the “Devil Fruit”. After all, Devils have horns.

Devil Fruit = the fruits that come from the Devil’s Horn.

So to recap - the origin of the Devil Fruit is inspired by the Horn of Plenty, a horn that symbolizes abundance and fortune.

Just like the Horn of Plenty, a horn was broken off the Sea Devil, and blowing into it allows one to manifest their desires into Devil Fruits.

If this all sounds a bit too much, consider this - Nika himself might be inspired by Zeus or Jupiter.

Interested? Check out this thread here:

Of course, this isn’t the first time I’m talking about a horn. Shanks and Buggy might have something to do with this too.

Check out this thread here:

If you made it all the way here, thank you for reading!

This theory fits all my other music theories, and my theory on what the One Piece is. Check my pinned. 🎶

Is it a horn? Or is it something else? We'll see what Oda has in store.

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