Neoliberal John Snow Profile picture
The father of epidemiology, but neoliberal. Ineffectively addressing preventable disease through deregulation and individualism.

Dec 12, 2022, 9 tweets

The Public Health Disservice Awards aka The Snowzzies will be announced tomorrow starting at 9am est @PesteMagazine.

#Snowzzies Award #1: ACHIEVEMENT IN PUBLIC HEALTH DISSERVICE BY AN INDIVIDUAL ... Intended for an individual who has gone above and beyond to provide a disservice to public health in 2022.

#Snowzzies Award #2: "THE CLOWN CAR AWARD" ... Intended for a group or organization that has gone above and beyond to provide a disservice to public health in 2022.

#Snowzzies Award #3: ACHIEVEMENT IN CREATIVE LICENSE IN PUBLIC HEALTH COMMUNICATION ... For individual or group who has excelled in bizarre or overly embellished communication or miscommunication to the disservice of 2022 public health.

#Snowzzies Award #4: ACHIEVEMENT IN PUBLIC HEALTH DISSERVICE BY NON-PUBLIC HEALTH PROFESSIONAL ... This is perhaps the most crowded field of contenders yet with expertise ranging from sabermetrics to parenting with no public health in-between.

#Snowzzies Award #5: ACHIEVEMENT IN BEING THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE ... They presumably do not understand that there are other people in the world whose lives also have value.

#Snowzzies Award #6: "THE DISHONORABLE MENTION" SPECIAL CONSIDERATION AWARD ... For an individual or group whose public health disservice in 2022 doesn't fit other award descriptions.

In addition to the Public Health Disservice Awards, tomorrow we also bring you a very special essay about public health's poet laureate.

And in addition to the first Public Health Disservice Awards, @PesteMagazine will also publish a new poem from Diane Seuss, the winner of 2022 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry.

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