Neoliberal John Snow Profile picture
The father of epidemiology, but neoliberal. Ineffectively addressing preventable disease through deregulation and individualism.
Mela Eckenfels Profile picture ezra Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jun 10, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
If you need to be outside during an air quality advisory due to wildfire smoke, experts advise to "do you." Preventing breathing harmful particles in wildfire smoke would be easier if only we had a way to cover our faces, maybe with some sort of a veil or protective covering.
Jun 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
It may seem confusing that Cornel West would endorse Ron DeSantis until you realize that West is on the board of Classic Learning Initiatives, which created the Classic Learning Test that DeSantis just approved funding for all school districts in Florida to use. Cornel West on the board of the Classic Learning Initiatives:….
May 19, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
What we learned from the 1854 cholera outbreak is that it’s more important to shame people for drinking water than holding accountable the powers that be for making the water undrinkable. That way they fight among each other and stop bothering elites. Does shame work in public health? Public health experts say no but some of the most popular pamphleteers who told us to follow the science say yes because that’s all they’re capable of, so…maybe?
May 3, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
Sure, everyone knows @LHSummers is an asshole for saying women aren't as good as men at math and science and joking about dumping "toxic waste in the lowest wage country," but please remember he was also friends with Jeffrey Epstein.… The only thing Larry Summers @LHSummers loved more than Jeffrey Epstein was hating unemployment insurance for poor families.…
Apr 12, 2023 17 tweets 10 min read
Covid-19 media accounts to follow.

Legacy media are a major reason why so many in the US are desensitized to mass death and disability, angrily opposed to empathy, and willing to accept so little from the powerful. Here are media accounts to follow instead.

A thread. Peste Magazine (@PesteMagazine), a magazine of health journalism and human rights, which consistently publishes defiant and sharp writing about the pandemic you won’t find anywhere else. Living with covid = dying f...
Mar 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
2,060 people died in the US from Covid-19 last week. *2,060 people died from Covid-19 last week*

@Surgeon_General: Okay, we need to talk about Vanderpump Rules. What Tom did is NOT okay.
Mar 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"after" How do you think pretending the pandemic is over affects the nation's healers feeling valued and supported, @Surgeon_General?
Mar 9, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Did we massively overreact to covid?

Let's review the evidence.

🧵 Mask mandates alienated large swathes of business elites and travel executives.
Mar 7, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
It's time for an 1854 cholera commission to understand the enormous damage done by clean water zealots.

The public deserves answers to these questions so we can learn from our mistakes. Key issues include:

🧵 Why was there widespread questioning of infection-acquired immunity by government officials and some prominent scientists? How did their fear of preventable death hinder our efforts to pretend everything is back to normal?
Feb 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
When the levels of cholera infection in London became dangerously high, we did everything—and I mean everything—we could to make them low by changing the threshold for what's considered "high." .@AshishKJha46 recommends masking in healthcare facilities only when the CDC says transmission is high.

But "little transmission" is the intended result of CDC changing their thresholds on 2/25/22 so that far fewer places require masking—only 2% recommended today, 79% before. Jha: This is a place where ...
Feb 14, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
.@Surgeon_General to country: “Here’s a mental health hotline to help you deal with the fact that we will do nothing else to stop mass shootings.” As we process this horrible news, I encourage you to check in on your loved ones, hold them close, and watch some @netflix, which paid me $600k in consulting fees before I became @Surgeon_General again. Why? Uhh did you see my video with Snoop Dogg that exists for some reason?
Jan 9, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
During the 1854 cholera outbreak in London, we did everything we could to make the epidemic end. We said cholera wasn’t that bad. Then we made sure everyone got it. We even pretended it was over while it was still killing people. Yes, we were pioneers in public health. When Vinay Prasad asked me during a seance "how do we end covid," I said, try mocking people for attempting to protect themselves and survive. He smiled. And he's run with my advice ever since. I'm proud of him.
Jan 6, 2023 17 tweets 9 min read
We have no response from @AshishKJha46 about why he soft blocked us from his official government account which he uses to carry out White House Covid Response Coordinator duties.

What we know at this hour is he is Terminally Online. Thus we shall try communicating in memes.

🧵 When you are @POTUS and your Covid Response Coordinator @AshishKJha46 violates the First Amendment privileges of a parody account whose principle bit is drinking raw sewage. fucking legalize weed or something
Jan 5, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
We have tried to engage respectfully with @AshishKJha46 through his official government account which he uses to carry out his role as White House Covid Response Coordinator. Still, he has soft blocked us repeatedly.

What did we do?

🧵 There was the time that Ashish was discussing how there was no study that showed masks worked well, and we merely translated what we believe he was trying to say to our friend, @luckytran.
Jan 5, 2023 8 tweets 7 min read
In response to asking @AshishKJha46 about soft blocking our account, he soft blocked us. That means two things. He blocked and unblocked us, so that we cannot follow him and question him in his official government role. Second, he is online way too much. To track @AshishKJha46 soft blocking this account, here is our current list of accounts we follow: Neoliberal John Snow @NeoliberalSnow Followers Following See
Jan 4, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
Capitalism is celebrating jobs numbers while doing nothing to make workplaces safe. Nearly 200,000 working age adults have died from covid during @POTUS presidency, yet the Biden administration killed OSHA’s emergency standards to protect workers, @WHCOS. How many people must die before your appetite for greed is fed, @WHCOS?
Jan 3, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"The powerful are comfortable because it is often too risky, professionally and personally, for the rest of us to speak against them. We are here to disturb their comfort." A message from Jason Silverstein and Martha Lincoln for @PesteMagazine:… "Calls for civility have been used as a shield for policies that perpetuate and deepen this pandemic. Criticisms of anger have been used to silence those who will suffer from the outcomes that our award winners are egging on. Not in our name."…
Jan 1, 2023 30 tweets 18 min read
The Public Health Accounts to Follow in 2023

It means so much when people say this account helped them get through the last year of covid gaslighting and abandonment. I’m just an epidemiologist who has been dead for 160 years.

These accounts helped me, too. Follow them.

🧵 WSBGNL, Data collector, occasional social scientist, and the premier chronicler of the pandemic: @wsbgnl
Dec 21, 2022 37 tweets 14 min read
It may be THE debate. In 2022, two institutions went above and beyond to provide a disservice to public health. They tied for this year’s @PesteMagazine Clown Car Award for Public Health Disservice. They are UCSF and Stanford.

And this is the ultimate UCSF vs. Stanford thread. UCSF shares with Stanford this year’s Snowzzie Award for Achievement in Public Health Disservice by a Group or Organization aka The Clown Car Award. Honoring UCSF is David Gorski (@gorskon).…
Dec 19, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
NEW: I'm excited to join @calm in the release of our mindfulness series designed to reduce stress and anxiety as we approach our third winter of death from a pandemic we no longer even pretend to protect you from. Use the code #themurthman for 20 percent off. This free series from @calm includes FIVE practices that offer moments of pause and peace if you have yet to be desensitized to mass death and disability. Every purchase between now and Christmas gets a free poem from @AshishKJha46.
Dec 13, 2022 14 tweets 12 min read
Welcome to the 2022 @PesteMagazine Public Health Disservice Awards, aka The Snowzzies, hosted by me, @NeoliberalSnow. We convened an advisory committee, and held a public nomination process. We then invited experts to honor the recipients with essays. Here are your winners.
🧵 The @PesteMagazine #Snowzzies Award for ACHIEVEMENT IN BEING THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. And the Snowzzie goes to … David Leonhardt. Honoring the recipient is Gregg Gonsalves (@gregggonsalves).…