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Dec 13, 2022, 11 tweets

#CCP built #UniversalStudioBeijing near the scene of #TongzhouMassacre (#通州事件) in 1937 to hide the truth❗

4 months before Nanking, 223 Japanese living in China under the agreement were murdered brutally as piercing vaginas with bayonets. 🤮😱

At #TongzhouMassacre,
Japanese woman, Sasaki, who survived because she was married with Chinese man pretending to be Chinese witnessed all maniac way of killing by Chinese soldiers.
Also Japanese soldiers who examined the bodies described the detail.

More about #TongzhouMassacre.
See the Chinese maniac way of killing civilians.

#GuangzhouUprising in 1927, Chinese riots.(Japan has nothing to do with it).
Voila! Female dead body with her legs spreaded and her vaginas bayoneted.
Chinese traditional way of killing women.

Oddly, #IrisChang claims in her book, Rape of Nanking, Japanese thrusted women's vaginas, by quoting #JohnMagee's testimony and shows the unknown source photo in her book found in China, which has nothing to do with Japan.

It is the unsolved case, the entire family was brutally murdered, only survivors were 8 years old 夏淑琴, Xia Shuqin(& 4yo old) . No one knows when it happened.
#JohnMagee who took the scene in a film🎥, said Japanese did it, but didn't see IN PERSON. No Japanese in film either🤷

At Far east trial, #JohnMagee testified the massacre, but at the cross examination, he confessed he only saw👀,

👉ONE Chinese guy running away at interogation/getting shot.

👉One/Two rape cases.

👉One icebox robbery.

The rest is only "hearsay".🤔🤦

Initially this family murder case was told it happened in the middle of Nanking battle, 13th Dec, which is impossible because all civilians were evacuated inside the safety zone at that moment and the family house is far from it.

It turns out, a landlord Ma is Islamic using his own date count, a murder happened on 14th Jan 1938 when a battle ended, most Japanese soldiers left, Chinese peace keep soldiers took over the city, & 👉the remained Chinese soldiers were committing crimes.

Also worth to note at interview, Xia Shuqin 夏淑琴 says
1) Her testimoney is from what her aunt told her first.
2) Under Japanese control they could make a living by selling vegetables, while after WW2 no rice & KMT soldiers whipped her hard.
Who have been perpetrators all time?

Xia Shuqin 夏淑琴's testimony abt a food shortage after WW2 reminds me of Japanese testimony who actually lived there at that time.
She says
"Chinese say Nanking is secure thanks to Japanese, they don't know what's gonna happen after Japanese are gone!"

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