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Dec 13, 2022, 8 tweets

#RajnathSingh briefs Lok Sabha over Tawang face-off

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On Dec 9 in Yangtse area of Tawang sector PLA troops encroached upon & attempted to change status quo.This attempt was tackled by our troops in a determined manner. Our troops bravely stopped PLA from encroaching upon our territory&forced them to go back to their post:Defence Min

This matter has also been taken up with #China through diplomatic channels. I want to assure the House that our forces are committed to guard our borders and ready to thwart any attempt that will be made to challenge it: Defence Minister #RajnathSingh in #LokSabha

In this face-off, few soldiers on both sides suffered injuries. I'd like to tell this House that none of our soldiers died or suffered any serious injury. Due to the timely intervention of Indian military commanders, PLA soldiers have retreated to their own locations: Defence Min

After this incident, on 11th Dec the local commander of the area held a flag meeting with his Chinese counterpart under the established system & discussed this incident. The Chinese side was refused all such actions and told to maintain peace at the border: Defence Minister in LS

Opposition leaders staged a walkout soon after Defence Minister #RajnathSingh concluded his statement on the #Tawang faceoff incident, in Lok Sabha…

On Dec 9,China's PLA troops encroached upon LAC in Yangtse, Tawang sector&attempted to change status quo.This was tackled by our troops in a determined manner.Our troops bravely stopped PLA from encroaching upon our territory&forced them to go back to their post:Defence Min in RS

In this face-off, few soldiers on both sides suffered injuries. I'd like to tell this House that none of our soldiers died or suffered any serious injury. With timely intervention of Indian military commanders, PLA soldiers have retreated to their own location: Defence Min in RS

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