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Dec 13, 2022, 20 tweets

Week 3: 50 - 150x Series

- @MNWSupplyChain $MNW

If it's #Utility you're after then $MNW needs to be on your radar. They're on a mission to decentralise the $15t per year Global Supply Chain Industry.

If you're looking for a 100x... you need to read on! 👇


@MNWSupplyChain is a decentralised, Software as a Service, supply chain management project.

Their product, Morpheus Network, enables businesses to decentralise & automate their supply chain logistics in a way that hasn't been possible before.

The Global supply chain is one of the most important industries in the world. It's currently worth 15 TRILLION $ annually.

The largest corporations in the world have massive supply chain requirements that are V intricate. Think Mcdonald's, Coca Cola etc.

But there are problems

The Problem(s)

Running a supply chain on a global scale for large companies is extremely challenging. There are SO many moving parts both internally and externally, and many, many hoops to jump through when it comes to international distribution

The main problems are...

1. Complying with local regulations
2. Delays with the documentation required
3. Cyber and ransomware attacks
4. Transferring currency for overseas payments
5. Dealing with untrustworthy businesses
6. Blind spots on the supply chain
7. Loss of product/theft with no proof

Overall, the current issues and obstacles that global distribution brings can amount to up to 62% in losses.

And it's no surprise because 43% of small businesses don't even track inventory, and 67.4% of supply chain managers are using Excel spreadsheets.

It's primed for better

In comes the Morpheus Network!

$MNW was designed as a decentralised middleware solution that enables businesses to automate, digitise & completely optimise their supply chain workflow.

This provides businesses with 100% transparency & immutability in all supply chain processes.

In one swoop, $MNW defeats all of the current problems the Global supply industry is facing.

And this goes beyond individual businesses seeing the value. The world bank identified supply chain issues as the number one issue to tackle to support the global economy.

It's BIG!

How It Works

Although $MNW is an ERC-20 token, the Morpheus Network is blockchain agnostic. Meaning its customers can choose to utilise almost any current blockchain.

The $MNW works as a drag-and-drop system so the business can build its own supply chain with ease.

So in a nutshell, $MNW provides businesses with the ability to completely revolutionise their supply chain processes.

Not only does this improve their efficiency & visibility, but it will also save them a HUGE amount of money in the process.

The bottom line is the bottom line.

The Tech

The supply chain process involves a HUGE amount of transactions. Every single part of a product's journey, documents, money & even things like temperature sensors for transferring chilled products, all need to be tracked & recorded.

That's a lot of transactions...

And being built on Ethereum, as we all know, transactions ain't cheap!

So how is this viable for businesses?

$MNW have tackled this issue by building a layered side-chain & utilising Masternodes.

Masternodes are responsible for validating the side-chain and from there...

Transactions are bundled together and notarised onto the Ethereum ledger 3x per day.

You can think of this as how banks used to behave during the Gold standard.

Bank coupons(fiat) were used to track transactions, then they were added up and one gold transaction was done.


$MNW is used for 3 key parts of the network

1. Masternoding - 1,800 $MNW is required. It pays 18% APY per node.

2. Automating all processes on the software

3. Notarising all transactions and datasets creating a single source of truth for all parties


As most of you know, you can have the best tech in the world, but it's the people that really make it happen.

$MNW have an all-star cast of supply chain gurus bringing the whole thing together.

This includes the former CEO of DHL!


$MNW is not short of top-notch partnerships in all different areas of its business. Technical and logistical.

In this kind of industry, partnerships are key. $MNW easily tick the boxes here for me.


Total Supply = 47m tokens. They are all unlocked.

This means no more tokens will be entering the supply and inflating the price. Very nice.

From speaking on Telegram the 17.7% wallet is the team and the old swap tokens from MRPH(Old token).

All looks healthy.

Price Action

Current price: $1.29
ATH: $4.60
Market Cap: $60m
Yearly low $0.3c

$MNW is disrupting a $15t Industry with a current valuation of $60m. The tokens are all unlocked & $MNW has intrinsic utility on the platform. Very undervalued.

100x in 2-3 yrs = $6bn


If you've followed me for a bit you'll know I'm all about #Utility.

$MNW really ticks every box for me.

1. Strong utility
2. All tokens unlocked
3. Big partnerships
4. Massive real-world use case
5. Disruptive
6. Undervalued

Very #Bullish.

Nothing is #FA

Official Links

Twitter: @MNWSupplyChain
Where to Buy:

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