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Dec 13, 2022, 6 tweets

Breaking: Big developments from Florida.

1. @GovRonDeSantis impanels FL Grand Jury Panel to investigate #COVID19 "vaccine misconduct"

#Desantis #DesantisCovidRoundtable #CovidGrandJury

2. @GovRonDeSantis announces a 'Public Health Integrity Committee' to include names such as @DrJBhattacharya, @BretWeinstein, @StabellBenn, @MartinKulldorff, citing the failure of Health Agencies' Pandemic Health Response.

#PBIC #DESANTIS #DeSantisCovidRountable

3. @GovRonDeSantis on why #Florida is forming a Public Health Integrity Committee,

"...I think people want the truth, and I think people want accountability..."

4. @FLSurgeonGen Joe Ladapo, MD, PhD, and the FL Dept. of Health to launch study of "the incidence of myocarditis..within a few weeks of covid vaccination, for people who died."

The surveillance study is to be conducted in coordination with Univ. of Florida.

@MartinKulldorff today @ the "Covid19 mRNA Vaccine Accountability Roundtable":

"Our approach to this pandemic is the biggest ...public health fiasco in history."

"...we need to find a way to make sure it never happens again..."

#DeSantis #DesantisCovidVaccineRoundtable

"The censorship was used to create an illusion of consensus."

@DrJBhattacharya, on government leveraging the 'misinformation' label, with social media platforms, to censor the @gbdeclaration and other experts, and a path forward.

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