Steve Herman Profile picture
Personal/unofficial account of @VOANews chief nat'l correspondent; Author: Behind the White House Curtain; Governing board, @pressclubdc, @JURISTNews

Dec 13, 2022, 5 tweets

Performing now on the @WhiteHouse South Lawn: Cyndi Lauper.

Cyndi Lauper performing ahead of @POTUS signing the #RespectForMarriageAct.

"Today's a good day" as America takes "a vital step towards equality," says @POTUS ahead of signing the #RespectForMarriageAct into law.

"Thank you to everyone for the hard fought victory generations in the making," says @POTUS of the #RespectForMarriageAct.

#RespectForMarriageAct signed into law.

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