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The first casualty of war is always the truth.

Dec 14, 2022, 11 tweets

Thread: Against The War

1. UK renowned Playwright and Nobel Prize winner Harold Pinter, presents a powerful case in opposition to NATOs illegal bombing of Serbia. Media manipulation and the humanitarian justification for the war was always false.…

2. NATO claimed ethnic genocide was the case of the bombing.  Such claims (which have been used repeatedly to justify whatever horrors NATO perpetrates) were challenged by Former Labour Foreign Secretary Dennis Healey who rejected these claims completely.…

3. Jake Lynch of Sky News explains how the media are being manipulated to support the aggressive war drive. When NATO bombed a refugee convoy there was a delay of several days before the cockpit video, normally shown at the next daily press conference, was released to the media.

4. Pinter gave a detailed account of the bombing of the Serbian television station. He showed the letter in which NATO spokesman Jamie Shea had assured the International Federation of Journalists only days before the bombing that the television station would not be attacked.

5. Pinter showed that there is a direct correlation between the # of refugees and the amount of popular support for NATO bombing. He derided the talk of moral authority, demanding to know "who bestowed it on to NATO countries?...Bombs and power, that's your moral authority."

6. The moral position of the US was highly ambiguous. When Turkey used US Jets to bomb Kurdish villages within its own territory, the Clinton found ways to evade laws and media. 1.4 million Kurds fled Turkish repression, yet Turkey was invited to the table at NATO's b-day party.

7. Pinter revealed the US record of complicity with ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia. The greatest single act of ethnic cleansing in the entire Yugo war was that of 200,000 Serbs from Croatia in 1995. US SS, Warren Christopher: "It always had the prospect of simplifying matters."

8. Albright, timed the release of photos of graves of Muslims killed by Serbs at Srebrenica for the same day as the Croats were expelling the Serbs, in order to divert the world media's attention. These photos taken weeks before, were held back to mask one atrocity with another.

9. The US had exacerbated the situation in Kosovo, Pinter argued. He pointed out the hard line KLA used terrorist tactics who murdered a comparable number of people who were killed as in N. Ireland. However, once the KLA began their uprising 2,000 died in one year of violence.

10. The US deception behind the Rambouillet peace talks which was an occupation Agmt kept secret from the media until the bombing. "Whether you are a PM of a democratic country, and your territory is going to be occupied, you might as well resist or your time in power is over."

11. The bombing has not benefitted the Kosovo Albanians (which we were told) The initial aim failed because we ended up with 800,000 refugees outside Serbia. They haven't delivered on their humanitarian initiative but delivered a waste land of depleted munitions.

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