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The first casualty of war is always the truth.
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May 31, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Exclusive Interview with Colonel Douglas MacGregor, who reveals how Neocon Military Complex has thrown the world into chaos.

How does NATO keep what it has and expand? We thought NATO existed to prevent wars from beginning - Bosnia & Herzegovina was the end of that. "The Dayton negotiations with the various parties behind chain linked fences under guard where no one was allowed in or out. Richard Holdbrooke was the leader, and General Wesley Clark was competing with him on information and the exploitation of information."
May 9, 2024 15 tweets 7 min read
December 03, 1917
Grand Forks Herald


52,951 War Captives Perish from Overwork and Under-feeding, Official Report.

Serbian POWs are treated with appalling barbarity in Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria.

A Serbian POW picked up and ate a raw potato was shot on the spot.

40,000 Serbian POWs at Koenigsburg, Saxony were mere skin and bones. they were clothed in rags. The food that was given them was disgraceful.

Serbian prisoners at Mauthauson were the most terrible of all.

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Apr 27, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
March 29, 1897
The Saint Paul globe - Minnesota


Salonica, with a population of about 125k, of whom some 84k are Jews of the Spanish emigration. Of these Jews about 9k are Muslims by profession.

The Southern part of Macedonia is an important town of Vodena to Monastir, or Bitolla, the HQ of the Third Turkish army corps. The country is inhabited by a Greek-speaking population and contains important towns, such as Verria, Servia, and Tchatista on the road to Epirus.

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Feb 29, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
100k Serbs were sent to camps and exterminated under the Fascist rule of Mustafa Kruja across Kosovo during WW2. Although this was found to be a war crime at the Nuremburg trials, Kruja fled to the US, where he was protected by US intelligence. He died a free man in upstate NY.
Image Enakopravnost
Slovenian News, Cleveland, Ohio
December 11, 1942

Albanian mobs burned 31 Serbian villages and attacked 20 others near the Albanian border. Half of the inhabitants of the burnt villages were slaughtered, and the rest fled into the forests.

Jul 11, 2023 6 tweets 6 min read
An important but neglected Dutch documentary on Srebrenica released in 2002.

The television production was put together relatively few years after the event and apparently before the rigid official narrative with its intimidating guidelines was formally established.…

The authors have clearly made an effort to be fair and balanced in the facts they have put forward and video images they have selected. Since briefly appearing in the period immediately following its inception, the documentary was largely swept under the rug and banned worldwide.…

Mar 15, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
October 5th, 1880
New York Tribune


The Albanians are known to the Turks without an individuality and difficult to class as a nationality.


"The Albanians are ignorant, and exhibit all the brutality that belongs to ignorance. They bave no books, no schools of their own-not even an alphabet in which their language can be written".

Dec 14, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Thread: Against The War

1. UK renowned Playwright and Nobel Prize winner Harold Pinter, presents a powerful case in opposition to NATOs illegal bombing of Serbia. Media manipulation and the humanitarian justification for the war was always false.… 2. NATO claimed ethnic genocide was the case of the bombing.  Such claims (which have been used repeatedly to justify whatever horrors NATO perpetrates) were challenged by Former Labour Foreign Secretary Dennis Healey who rejected these claims completely.…
Dec 13, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
When the US Envoy arrived in Kosovo Serbian back in 1999, he stated the KLA Albanians are without a doubt are terrorists.…

Here's today's US Envoy discussing today's manufactured crisis by the temporary Kurti admin. Pay close attention to his answers. Escobar politely calls out the Kurti government on their rule of law practices and legitimacy of their arrest warrants.

Since 1999, If any Serb exposes the Racak false flag which triggered NATOs illegal bombs, they are arrested and sentenced to prison.…
Mar 2, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Russian FM Sergie Lavrov starts to speak and then like clockwork, dozens of diplomats from the EU walk out.

Does anyone recall this happening when NATO bombed Yugoslavia based on a pack of lies?

Thread: European Parliment Speakers on Serbia.

Topic: Kosovo

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Feb 28, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
How do NATO countries influence the majority Russian friendly Ukrainians to take up arms against the Russians you ask?

They unleash the dogs of war to commit attrocities, just like the 90s civil war of Yugoslavia.……

1/4 "When I came here, I came for an ideal. Now I fight for my friends."

Nov 15, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Great news! A series of six films will be broadcasted next year dedicated to the killed civilians and 118 police officers who died in KiM by an armed KLA Albanian rebellion and NATOs aggression against Serbia.

I hope it covers off the MSM propaganda like this one.
👇 And this beauty...
Nov 13, 2021 13 tweets 6 min read
It Began With A Lie: A must watch!

A German documentary by Jo Angerer and Mathias Werth which exposes how the world's population was easily mislead from the very start of the Kosovo War. "Fear of war is inherent to everyone across the globe, like human rights and free will."
Nov 3, 2021 25 tweets 7 min read
Thread: A must watch!

"Monopoly: Who owns the world."

Who has a feeling the world is not right today?

Part 1
1/8 There are three corporations that own every well known brand in the food industry.

Jul 5, 2021 16 tweets 9 min read
Whistleblower exposes the 1999 Račak Massacre et all.

Jan. 15, 1999 was the day William Walker sold the world the story of a massacre, used to create a climate to justify the bombing of Yugoslavia. 

A Former OSCE Spokesperson Beatrice Burns, exposes this fraud.
1/16 2. Beatrice, who was hand picked by William Walker, came to Kosovo to help defend the KLA terrorists and their sponsors with this fabricated story.  The Yugoslav government denied these allegations and even the French Ambassador Gabriel Keller, new the truth all along.
Mar 23, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
@Duyo96 Goran Stojcik, a 🇲🇰 ambulance driver who worked in the refugee camps during the war, testified under oath at the Hague that he had eye-witnessed Western news crews stage-managing fake news footage in the refugee camps. He said, "CNN was the most prominent in stage managing... @Duyo96 ...things that were to be filmed."

He gave examples of news crews coaching refugees on how to act in front of the cameras. In one example, he said a news crew threw a refugee child into the mud to make him cry for the camera.
Mar 23, 2021 41 tweets 16 min read
Thread: 1/41

Milosevic Trial - Corruption of International Justice

This Dutch documentary exposes the travesty and corruption of international justice (ICTY) during the trial of Milosevic. 

Get your popcorn ready and enjoy the fraud! 2.  The documentary is about to question how images are used during wartime to influence worldwide judgement and manufacture our consent.
Aug 19, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
John Kerry, the Dems presidential candidate (2004), was given money by a terrorist organization known as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

Watch Richard Holbrooke who comes over and jokingly says, "He almost got me killed." then laughs with his KLA pals.… Watch how Krasniqi visits a gun store to purchases weapons for use in Kosovo. From this point forward you get to see how easy it was for the KLA to smuggle weapons from the US into Kosovo, disguising them as humanitarian aid and so forth.