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Dec 15, 2022, 61 tweets

BREAKING: An inside look at the type of content Twitter flagged for review

Thread below ⬇️

1. “This file is international. The other file was US only.”

The following screenshots will reveal the type of content Twitter was monitoring for political misinformation.

The file included dates, language & annotation. I will be sharing examples in this thread.

2. “Regarding the context on annotations- it may be interesting for people to see what we were looking for. It might strike some of your readers as interesting that we were censoring info from other places at all. Some might ask what right we had to do that.”

3. “What if TikTok censored stuff from our government?”

4. What is an action?

“An action is any of those things.

- Annotate
- Bounce
- Interstitial

They are all actions.
Bounce is suspended. Annotate and interstitial are notes we made for ourselves to resolve later.”

5. This thread provides an inside look at the type of terms that were flagged by Twitter as political misinformation. Inclusion on the list does not mean action was taken on every piece of flagged content. Context is critical here.

@RepNancyMace they need to pull the health/other file list from data science.

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