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Social Media 𝕏pert | @RubyMediaGroup CEO. The Politics of Big Tech & AI. 📧 Booking:
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Jun 3 10 tweets 3 min read
I handed my most important Ruby files to Mike Benz believing he actually cared about the country.

First, he asked if he could share my files with his Intel friends at NSA. Next, he introduced me to John Solomon.

Benz promised to cover The Ruby Files. Instead - he buried my work and proceeded to come up with excuse after excuse as to why he couldn’t.

Next thing I know - he’s on Tucker Carlson and being called the top AI Censorship expert in the world.

He blocked me when I called him out and never spoke to me again. I was told that my Ruby Files reporting would be on Hannity.

I was also told I basically needed to work with them and do it their way. Something felt off about all of it. I didn’t proceed.

My work was never on Hannity.

My life continued to get worse and worse.

Why? Because they knew what I had and I refused to play ball.
May 29 5 tweets 2 min read
What am I looking at here?

Thousands of pages from Google's internal Content API Warehouse detailing over 14,014 attributes related to Google's ranking systems. The screenshots I posted are from those files.

Why does this matter? What is the context?

Two of the attributes include signals related to Covid authority and election scoring.

So what?

This potentially means Google had an internal config for domain level authority scoring pertaining to elections and vaccines.

Who cares?

People interested in the topic of Internet censorship should ideally care.
May 26 44 tweets 12 min read
Today is a great day to investigate what really happened to Scott Peikin. Mikes family is not just an “Internet family.” They were involved with the actual creation of the Internet.
Feb 3 9 tweets 5 min read

Actually Michael it’s the other way around. Which is why he is working for you. How did all the journalists obtain the source docs you speak of? Where did the “scoops” really come from? Image
Feb 2 7 tweets 2 min read
Shout out to The OG Twitter Files written in 2011.

“How do you establish trends and how do you then capture that in an intelligence product?” Image 2011: DHS considers Twitter for intel:…
Jan 21 5 tweets 1 min read
Why was @jacktronprime suspended? Image This is super bizarre. His DMs to me are erased too.
Jan 7 10 tweets 4 min read
I am extremely disturbed by what I witnessed in Lower Manhattan last night.

I lived on Wall Street for years - directly across from The NYSE.

Last night - I went to grab a few items at Rite Aid - only to find out that almost everything was behind a lock.

I asked an employee how often things are stolen from the store.

He said - every day. Numerous times a day.

I was shocked.

Next - the employee told me that even when they catch a criminal - they can’t do anything - unless the criminal is a repeat offender at the location.

When they do take action - the offender is let out almost instantly - only to start stealing from the store all over again.

I have no words for what I see happening to this city that I no longer recognize.

Before I left the store - he said this:

“They give the criminals more power than the workers.”

New York City is completely out of control.

Why are we empowering criminals?Image
The American empire is collapsing. Things are much worse than people realize. I don’t think people really understand how bad NYC is right now. The media is focused on SF - I’m not sure why. NYC is BAD.
Dec 6, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Do you understand? Image OpenAI + The U.S. Government = 1
Nov 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The Social Media Influencers chosen for domestic psychological operations are not deradicalizing or demobilizing. Instead, they are actually radicalizing and mobilizing forces.

This is in direct opposition to national security and what is in the best interest of The United States. They are not following command and are essentially going rogue.

The U.S. government lacks the technical prowess to put them back in line, which enables this insubordinate behavior to continue.

If they were doing this in real life, they would be discharged from the military immediately. But because these operations are online, they get away with it.

We cannot allow this blatant insubordination to continue.
Image These influencers do not care about the military mission at hand. Instead, they care about their OWN mission.

This means they are essentially misusing military resources to run U.S. psyops domestically while waging digital havoc.

These influencers do not understand the concept of a true mission. That much is clear. And because no one manages them- they are essentially shooting military grade digital weapons at people who have no idea who is going on.

Welcome to the digital battlefield. Where everyone is in a war they never signed up for.
Oct 30, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
We need to discuss this @elonmusk.

You keep ignoring my questions on this - but they are valid.

Given what is going on in the world - is this really safe for users? Image
Oct 23, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Elon Musk is executing Frame Games Playbook.

It’s extremely obvious. Image Elon Musk does not actually care about ANY of this. Where are his tweets on this before Frame Games showed up?

Sep 30, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Did The Twitter Files have access to classified information?

Did someone who previously worked for the U.S. government influence their testimony before a Congressional hearing? Did that person have access to The Ruby Files before said hearing? Yes.

Was this disclosed? No.

Did that person use said information to convince Musk to sue CCDH? Yes.

Did I have a call with Jim Jordan’s office months ago? Yes.

Did that person also use my recent reporting to get numerous people fired which has also resulted in litigation? Yes.
Sep 30, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Step 1: Tell them they are being censored.

Step 2: Leak some files showing alleged censorship largely influenced by someone who previously worked in the WH.

Step 3: Get them to sign up for biometric identification.

Step 4: Tell them it’s to prevent censorship and authenticate their identity.

Step 5: Create the largest database of biometric data for AI training in history.

Step 6: Brain implants & BCI.

Step 7: The end.Image You are being lied to.

You are being betrayed.

The anti censorship grifters are in on it.

The goal is to get you to trust them.

After you do - there will be a bait and switch.

Don’t believe me? Just watch.
Aug 1, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
If @elonmusk subpoenas that organization for any and all emails sent to Twitter pertaining to machine learning misinfo word list recs - it is game over.

I don’t think people really understand how significant this is. I will not be referring to the organization by name because they are mass reporting my account and trying to get me deplatformed and removed from Twitter. By the way.
Jul 27, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Several people have asked me to investigate some dome in Wisconsin re AI.

What’s the deal with this dome?

What happens there?

Send me all the info you have. I will look into it. Image Image
Jun 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
What is Project Snowflake? Hunter Biden. Project Snowf... "They have downloaded the entire Internet three tines just for kicks." Hunter Biden. Project Snowf...
Jun 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The news of the Trump indictment just came in the 8pm hour.

@TuckerCarlson would have shared the breaking news with viewers.

Pre-scheduled tweets will never replace a cable news anchor delivering breaking news to you live as it happens.

No one wants to wait for his reaction…… The magic of Tucker delivering breaking news as it happens cannot be replaced with tweets.

@TuckerCarlson is a star. He belongs on cable news. Not on Twitter.

I want to watch him for an hour.

Not for ten minutes.
Jun 8, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Politicians should not be using AI-generated images in campaign ads.

Many AI companies strictly prohibit the use of deploying generative AI in political campaigns.… Disallowed usage of our models

We don’t allow the use of our models for the following: Image
Jun 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I cannot begin to explain to you how bad the air quality is in Westchester County today.… This video is not edited. Look at the color of the sky.
Jun 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I love how I discussed this with @jeffrey_coyle in a Twitter Space 2 years ago and no one had any idea what I was talking about when I asked how journalists felt about AI-generated source quotes and how that would impact the future of PR.

Now, journalists are adding disclaimers…… Image @jeffrey_coyle I'm sorry but this is literally the highlight of my life.
May 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m going to say something extremely unpopular.

I am concerned that Twitter is letting random people publish emails from journalists to the company.

At this point, I am now afraid to ever email Twitter again.

The only reason Conservatives like this *now* is because they…… Emails from Twitter ML employees or Academic Researchers are entirely different.

That is not what is happening here.