Rizki Salminen 💜 Profile picture
he/him | Your local Virtual Youtuber who likes to stream games and talks about politics. | 🇮🇩/🇺🇸 OK! | ✉️: contact@tilehopper.my.id

Dec 15, 2022, 5 tweets

You have seen the Vtubers...

but who are the people behind these blurs that will join #TeamIRLs?

The Shadoba streamer and Halo aficionado @ignideus joins in as #TeamIRLs Friday tomorrow!

The Professional Quake player @tautheory bhops his way into #TeamIRLs Friday tomorrow on the first Halo Infinite Vtubers vs IRLs Custom Fiesta!

The MVP for Halo Southeast Asia Community Events and streamer @EditedByHaz joins into #TeamIRLs Friday tomorrow on the first Halo Infinite Vtubers vs IRLs Custom Fiesta!

The one (and probably only?) Southeast Asia Halo Youtuber @KaptainKarizzma joins in #TeamIRLs for tomorrow's Vtubers vs IRLs Custom Fiesta!

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