Chris Profile picture
dad, professional engineer, information advocate, neo-luddite, bespectacled. writing from Wəlastəkwiyik land. opinions are my own. he/him/they/them

Dec 15, 2022, 10 tweets

We'll soon be in the position of having to accept or deny invitations to gather. Our replies and our concerns may be met in different ways. While the risks will vary, the science they are based on is consistent.
May this summary help.
🧵 #COVIDisAirborne
(reposting w/ ALT text)

How is Covid-19 spread? #COVIDisAirborne

The air we breathe #COVIDisAirborne

"Airborne" and "aerosols" #COVIDisAirborne

Protect yourself and others #COVIDisAirborne

Clean the air #COVIDisAirborne

Layer protections #COVIDisAirborne

Review the science #COVIDisAirborne

This slide deck is available as a PDF on the PoP NB website:…


Also check out the #CovidIsVascular slide deck.

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