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Dec 16, 2022, 17 tweets

Netherlands, I predicted the same Furin Cleavage site that was added to SARS to create SARS-2 or COVID-19 would be added to MERS to create a “MERS-2”… Moderna’s '16 patent for the manmade Furin Cleavage site has never before been seen in nature @ErasmusMC

I dubbed the Furin Cleavage site the “smoking patent” for the now famous Wellcome Trust-Erasmus Lab-Fauci Corona Coverup Emails. Moderna applied for the very unique “smoking patent” in 2016, years before it later appeared in the Corona pandemic in 2019.

I repeated these predictions about MERS potentially being “upgraded and patented” to “MERS-2” in several subsequent books in the last two years. But we never had a potential Patient Zero for “MERS-2” before now. His name is Grant Wahl. @ErasmusMC

Adding to the irony of this tragic death of a sportswriter who covered eight previous World Cup tournaments was the fact is his wife, Celine Gounder, is the key advisor to President Joe Biden on CoronaVirus.

World Cup fans were warned by the WHO of MERS which has been renamed “Camel Flu Virus”.

A second journalist now has also died at the World Cup Games of unknown causes.

Dr. Gounder is also in charge of the response to the next SARS-MERS pandemic for the White House, in addition to her frequent commentaries on the importance of vaccines and vaccine booster shots.

The sudden death of Gary Wahl who was standing and laughing during the exciting extra time ending of the Netherlands - Argentina World Cup match has led some to speculate his “bronchitis” somehow triggered a heart attack. Wahl’s wife, Dr. Celine Gounder, prominently features

vaccination cartoons depicting strength in response to Corona related viruses like SARS and MERS viruses

Dr. Celine Gounder is a frequent proponent of free vaccines to prevent COVID spread.

Dr. Gounder is also the point person for the Biden Administration’s current vaccine booster program for the Holiday season.

Journalist George Webb predicted a Furin Cleavage site being added to MERS by the @ErasmusMC Lab in four books between 2020 and 2022.

George Webb visited the Erasmus Lab in Rotterdam and interviewed persons employed there.

Journalist George Webb has alleged the Erasmus Lab in Rotterdam plans to add Furin Cleavage sites to a host of different influenzas, CoronaViruses like SARS and MERS, and to a variety of hemorrhagic fevers. #Floor26 @ErasmusMC

So tell @MarionKoopmans @AbOsterhaus #Keulemans @RealGeorgeWebb1 wants you all on International #Tribunals @CIJ_ICJ are you making #BIOWEAPONS in THE MIDDEL OF #ROTTERDAM? Violating #BTWC? Did #kuipers & #dijkgraaf took #Bioweapons with them with @QueenMaxima_ to #Pelosi? Under..

Achterban @D66 believe me your members in parlement are the CRIMINALS #TrojanHorses behind the #WEFMaffia agenda #CrimesAgainstHumanity #CoverUp #kuipers, #kaag, #dijkgraaf, #ollongron, #osterhaus, #vanDissel, #Koopmans, #Keulemans DAAROM #FVDmoetverbodenworden #Witchhunt

KLOKKENLUIDERS van OCCULTE, SATANISCHE #freemasonry #vrijmetselarij werd door de #BlackNobility GEDEMONISEERD, MONDDOOD GEMAAKT en als voorbeeld op de brandstapel gezet. zoals @fvdemocratie @thierrybaudet @GideonvMeijeren @PvanHouwelingen… The Black Nobility earned its title through dirty tricks, so when the population revolted against the monopolies in government, as anywhere else (aren’t we), the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized and brutally hanged.

The Black Nobility uses secret assassinations, murder, blackmail, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping, rape and so on… hence their name.… @thierrybaudet ask @RealGeorgeWebb1 for the @ErasmusMC "juice"

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