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Legal Rebel

Dec 17, 2022, 8 tweets


Jane Frances #Akokolan #Abodo is a LIAR and CHARLATAN who spent the week lying about her sweetheart deal with the #corrupt Basajjabalaba brothers.

How did we catch her in the act?🧵

In this thread, #LegalRebel #Atanaaba will take you on a deep dive into the “CERTIFIED RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS” in the Basajjabalaba #corruption case, to expose the most embarrassing lie told by #FakeDPP #Akokolan #Abodo this week—as reported by both @newvisionwire & @DailyMonitor.

In December 2022, under pressure to bury the most stinging scandal of her career, #FakeDPP #Akokolan #Abodo claims that “investigations were still going on” when the Constitutional Court halted the Basajja case on 8 May 2013, as reported on #ULII. NOT…

As early as 16 January 2013 @ODPPUGANDA informed the chief magistrate at the anti-corruption court that “INQUIRIES ARE COMPLETE” in the mega-fraud and grand corruption case against the Basajjabalaba brothers.

This was reiterated on 28 January 2013 when Muzamiru was presented.

Consequently the case was fixed for HEARING on 6 March 2013, and on that date the Basajjabalaba brothers were committed for trial in the High Court on 9 May 2013.

On 13 March 2013 @ODPPUGANDA filed an affidavit by the lead investigator opposing the move by the Basajjabalabas to have their bail restored by the High Court after it had been cancelled on being committed for trial. Reason: “INVESTIGATIONS HAVE BEEN CONCLUDED, PROSECUTION READY”

Guess what, this display of chest-thumping EXTREME TRIAL READINESS was directed by our #FakeDPP #Akokolan #Abodo who was the Boss Lady—signing off on every step taken by @ODPPUGANDA at the anti-corruption court. She was the one instructing other state mandarins in the whole saga.


The alleged last-minute investigation is a red herring. It has nothing to do with the Basajjabalaba case. On 15 December 2022, we called out #FakeDPP #Akokolan #Abodo for her shameless HYPOCRISY, MENDACITY and DIMWITTERY. Will she do the right thing? @ODPPUGANDA

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