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I believe Amber Heard and stand with her and all women, survivors, and victims everywhere.

Dec 17, 2022, 15 tweets

🧵Camille Vasquez, in one of her smear campaigns against Amber Heard, recently suggested that Amber shed no tears in court. This is a lie. To see it, firstly, here is a zoomed video of Amber in her 2nd day of testimony. You'd be blind to not see the tears. #IStandWithAmberHeard

Here's the video without being zoomed. I can still see the tears, can't you? For those that are skeptical, this is from the second day of Amber's testimony, which was the 15th day of the trial on May 5th. Go check it out. (Source: Sky News YouTube channel) #AmberAppeals

(TW: Physical and Sexual Violence/Assault)

Here is a zoomed video of Amber's Australia SA testimony. It tore my heart to shreds going through this testimony just to get this clip but given how much Camille and Depp fans continue to lie about this, I felt I had to do it.

(TW: Physical and Sexual Violence/Assault)

Here's the preceding video without being zoomed. Again, I can see the tears even here. This was also from the second day of Amber's testimony, which was the 15th day of the trial. (Source: Sky News YouTube channel)

I saw a JD fan claim, when cornered, that Amber only shed tears in later days of the trial. However, see this zoomed video of Amber from the very first day of her testimony on May 4th. She's talking about her love for JD & the two sides to him that tore her apart. #AmberAppeals

Here's the video unzoomed and a bit extended. I can still see the tears. This video was also sourced from Sky New's YouTube channel. #AmberAppeals #IStandWithAmberHeard

This is just a sampling of some of the times that Amber shed tears in the trial and by no means did I try to find all instances of this. I hope that it is enough to, once and for all, get rid of the lie that she never shed tears. #AmberAppeals #IStandWithAmberHeard

Such are the tears that court photographers captured and that the jurors saw. The juror that spoke out even mentioned them but said that they were "crocodile tears." Depp fans have been lying that MSM faked these tears in court photos. Do not believe their lies. #AmberAppeals

Note too that there is no way that Camille could have missed the tears if even the jurors saw them, because she had a better view of Amber on the stand than the jurors. As such, Camille blatantly lied in the recent interview in which she claimed that she never saw any tears.

That said, it should go without saying that the idea that a victim-survivor not shedding tears in her testimony means she's lying is misogynistic hogwash. In addition, crying needs not always be accompanied by tears in every single human being. #AmberAppeals #IStandWithAmberHeard

Still, I had to debunk the idea that Amber shed no tears because I am tired of it being misogynistically and fallaciously used to smear her by both JD's fans and by his lawyers led by Camille Vasquez. #AmberAppeals #expertsforamberheard

Tellingly enough, JD's fans never ask why JD himself actually never shed any tears. Let's explore this a bit by way of one eye-opening example. #JohnnyDeppIsAnAbuser

This is the closest to tears that I saw JD in the entire trial. It's during the playing of the audio where he's asking Amber to cut him and Amber is trying to stop him from it. (This is a form of abuse by the way.) Do you see any tears from him? Notice how Amber is distressed.

Just minutes prior during the playing of the very same audio, Depp chuckled 3 times while listening to it! Notice how Amber is consistently distressed even while he chuckles. Yet, the jurors never thought his "tears" later were "crocodile tears"? Do you see the misogyny yet?

In the end, it seems to me that Amber was never going to believed. People had already decided that she's a liar before she even got on the stand. She could've shed oceans of tears and people would still have prejudicially called her a liar. #AmberAppeals #IStandWithAmberHeard

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