Kathleen Sperling Profile picture
I knit. Lots. And design knitting patterns. Obsessed, really. (Also: genealogy, linguistics, SCA, and other general geekery. You have been warned.) She/her.

Dec 18, 2022, 7 tweets

Inspired by some of the "crimes against the #fibreArts" images from @carriecraftgeek 's Livemas 3 today, I present:

"If media treated traditionally male activities with the same ignorance and lack of research as they do crafts; a thread:"

#knitting #crochet

1/5: Right craft, wrong equipment.

2/5: Right equipment, wrong craft.

3/5: Doing it wrong. So very, very wrong.

4/5: Key equipment missing.

5/5: Unrealistic depictions of how long things take.

Add your own! :)

Photo credits:
- Hockey: gerhard crous unsplash.com/@crousg
- Soccer ball: Wesley Tingey unsplash.com/@wesleyphotogr…
- Jetski: Quino Al unsplash.com/@quinoal
- Basketball: LOGAN WEAVER unsplash.com/@lgnwvr
- Cricket: Yogendra Singh unsplash.com/@yogendras31

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