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Dec 18th 2022
Inspired by some of the "crimes against the #fibreArts" images from @carriecraftgeek 's Livemas 3 today, I present:

"If media treated traditionally male activities with the same ignorance and lack of research as they do crafts; a thread:"

#knitting #crochet
1/5: Right craft, wrong equipment. Hockey player hockeying with a soccer ball
2/5: Right equipment, wrong craft. Football players congratulating each other on their basketba
Read 7 tweets
Dec 22nd 2020
Today on "ADHD or Fae": All of my crochet hooks are in the bathroom except one, which is in the pantry. #why #adhdtwitter #fae #WHYNOT #adhdorfae #boyfriend #mentalhealth #crochet #craft #witchcraft
Next on "ADHD or Fae": I used my car keys to move our boxes over here, but somehow my keys are in the bottom of this packed box. #how #adhdtwitter #adhd #adhdproblems #fae #moving #boyfriend #fairies
Next on "ADHD or Fae": We own 10 nail clippers. I certainly didn't buy them. No one knows how they got here. #adhdtwitter #adhd #fae #boyfriend #adhdorfae
Read 11 tweets
Apr 25th 2020
After nearly 5 months, 14 balls of wool, and quite a lot of swearing, I am delighted to say that my Persian Tiles - Eastern Jewels blanket is complete! #crochet 💕 ImageImageImage
Things I have learned:
Weave in as you go along, do NOT wait till the end.
Leave longer ends to weave in, I had plenty of wool, I didn’t need to scrimp.
Catch mistakes early and use more stitch markers.
Blocking works.
Have faith!
I am unbelievably proud of this. I have always thought I was rubbish at crafts and I’ve proved that you can take up a hobby in your mid 40s and actually be good at it!
Read 3 tweets
Jul 12th 2019
The Sleep Blanket

A visualization of my son's sleep pattern from birth to his first birthday. Crochet border surrounding a double knit body. Each row represents a single day. Each stitch represents 6 minutes of time spent awake or asleep #knitting #crochet #datavisualization
The original plan was to crochet the entire blanket but I switched to double knitting because the data was much more clearly visualized and the color changes (of which there were literally thousands) were significantly easier
The body is made of four vertical panels seamed together. The seams are slightly less aesthetically pleasing but breaking it up made it more portable, easier to fix mistakes, and easier track progress
Read 21 tweets
Feb 14th 2018
Crocheting in style at @theshelbourne, #crochet

I've joined two squares of Irish crochet for "Stitched With Love" who are making a commemorative blanket of white squares to remember the 796 babies who died in Tuam mother & baby home. @5lampsartsfest #TuamBabies @PaulOMahony #796 Image
Read 31 tweets

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